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Everything posted by AusRonin

  1. Good work...keep it going! I note your location as Walney Island. I never knew where that was or that it existing. Thanks to you I now know (gotta love google)!! It seems like the population there is quite small. Is you club large in numbers?
  2. The venue should not be the issue. Way back when before Karate had a name it was practiced / taught in back yards or an individual's home. A formal "traditional Dojo" is not a prerequisite for undertaking training. What is required is an individual (read as instructor) that can impart knowledge that is acquired after years and years of accepting knowledge themselves, processing that knowledge, testing it and putting it into practice. This is where I believe the GKR model falls down. 35-40 locations each being taught by a low ranking student that is not qualified to lead a congo line is a problem IMO.
  3. As a paying student you are a customer. Describe any other activity or service that would say "as my customer you will not leave, you will not attend other suppliers events, you will not be seen seeing the customers of other suppliers..." you get the idea. You pay for training and instruction. Full stop. You don't pay to be a prisoner of the organisation for life. Unless of course you signed a contract for life in blood Also I would ask both sides "why have these senior belts left?". There may well be a good reason why they left that would justify them leaving. This knowledge may actual lead you to question why you are staying...
  4. Hi Nidan Melbourne...can I ask a quick question...what will happen to your forum name when you are graded to Sandan?
  5. This is generally the case. I'm not talking about a belt or two above you but maybe a black belt with a lower grade. The black belt will generally fight at the level of his or her opponent. A good black belt will push the beginner to a point just above comfort level while giving them the opportunity to feel comfortable in attacking. Lower ranks some times need to realise this. Some see it as weakness on the behalf of the black belt rather than what it is...a learning opportunity. I have seen lower grades (particularly individuals that have trained in other MA or related styles that rate themselves) that will come in pretty strong and hard at a black belt then wonder why they then got a good shot in the stomach that pulls them up.... Keep up the hard work!!
  6. Sounds like a few questions / thoughts that could be relevant to this thread: http://www.karateforums.com/karate-cuts-10-15-years-of-your-lifespan-vt45099.html
  7. A quick look through the responses to date....and looks like GKR don't get a good rap. As most have said before - they are family orientated; they do enlist door to door; they do advocate non-contact; they do heavily promote growth via new dojo locations with inexperienced sensei and it does appear to be heavily structured as a pyramid business structure. Having said that some of these attributes suit some people. I know of a family that train in GKR and they like the family atmosphere, they have broad social networks with other members that have developed as a result of the club. They wouldn't want to train in a "contact" style MA and wouldn't consider leaving the club after some 5 years duration. I know of some clubs that openly advertise "we are non-contact". This obviously appeals to some parents as this guy has a good student base. Personally I wouldn't go near them. The clinker for me was when Robert Sullivan self graded - He awarded 3rd to 6th dan grades to himself. His 7th and 8th dan was awarded by his senior instructors. Surly he could have put an independent panel together at some point Maybe have a look at him in action for yourself and form your own opinion: I know age wearies us all, but I would rate this as Shodan level personally... I suspect he must have some lower ranking members that do have some ability to uphold the technical standard required, or alternatively, there is no real depth of technical standard within the organisation because it can't be coming from this guy IMO...
  8. Hi Wagnerk, Karate-do for me
  9. My advice is don't worry, there is no rush...I know this is different to completely forgetting techniques / basics etc...but I've seen guys that have trained for years still needing positive re-enforcement to correct small problems or incorrect technique (myself included). I think if you ask anyone that has trained for a long duration "have you mastered karate?" or "is your karate perfect?" you would get a resounding NO! IMO you never stop learning or striving to improve, regardless of the length of time you have spent on the floor. Get ready for a lifetime of learning and questioning
  10. Hi guys and gals... I recently found the forum and it looks like my kind of place! Hope I can add some benefit to the discussions, catch you around the threads
  11. Hi Clarisa, I am new here as well
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