Here is a long one.( I am MuayTB1 just to let you know. A guy went up to a bartender and said," If I can piss ,standing right here, into that cup, that is about 10 feet away, with out spilling a drop, you give me 500 dallors. If I spill a drop or can't do it, I give you 500 dallors. Ok?" So the bartender says," you got your self a bet buddy" So the guy took out you know what and start pissing all over the place. He pissed on the clock, the phone, and even on the bartender. Not a drop went in the cup. So the bartender was very happy to know that he is getting 500 dallors so he laughed. The guy pulled out 500 bucks and gived it to him and he laughed to. " What. are you crazy? Why you laughing, you lost 500 bucks?" Said the bartender. " Ok, You see those two guys over there? I bet them 600 dallors a peice that I could piss on your clock, you phone, and ON YOU ,, and you still make you happy about it!"