Hi I've been looking at different karate dojos to train at. The way in which sparring is incorporated into training varies by dojo. I have no experience with karate, so I really do not know what to make of these differences in sparring practices. What I've seen so far are places that 1) Do not make contact. They stop their strikes before hitting their opponent. I guess this is so that they don't risk injuring someone, but is this as effective in teaching self defence as sparring that makes contact. I wouldn't think so. If not, why? 2) One of the dojo's does not practice sparring. This place has two man drills that practice the application of self-defence techniques but doesn't have any free sparring. When I first heard this, I thought they were leaving out what seemed to be a part of self-defence training necessary if you want the ability to put it into any kind of practical and effective use. But the teachers argument made sense to me. Sparring, even sparring that makes hard contact, isn't meant to injure your opponent to the point where he is no longer a threat. In a real self-defence situation, you will want to render your opponent unable to harm you as quickly as possible. Through repetition, free-sparring gives you reflexes detrimental to that. Imagine that you are in a situation where your opponent poses a real danger, but you reflexively strike in a way as to avoid inflicting any serious harm. This could prolong the conflict, which would be dangerous to you. Does anyone here agree? If not, what would be a counter argument? While doing research online, I've found many people claiming that full-contact sparring is needed to teach practical self-defence. I actually have been unable to find a dojo that does full-contact sparring, though there are two more that I'm considering making a visit to. If you believe that full-contact sparring is vital to effective self-defence training, why is that? If I can't find a place that does that, would you recommend a dojo with no-contact sparring, light-contact sparring, or no contact sparring? Why? ThanksHe