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Everything posted by MasutaDeKaba

  1. I agree completely there, my friend.
  2. Well, my fellow Instructors and I use exercises as punishments. We go easy on the little ones but harder on the older ones. They get given either: Press-ups, Sit-ups, Squat-thrusts or burpies. We also have a maximum number for each grade. Yellow Belt and under: 20 Blue, green and orange: 35 Brown: 50 Black belts shouldn't be punished, but if they do muck about, 60. What do you think?
  3. Hello, I am just wondering what you guys favourite Pinan kata was. You can vote and/or reply and say why it is your favourite. I would like some "Why it is my favourite" messages please, as I like to see what you think This poll does not close. Best regards, MasutaDeKaba
  4. At the moment I am learning Jion/Jiin, for my 4th Dan.
  5. Good luck
  6. Thank you
  7. It depends on the instructor. Personally, and not being biased I would say Wado-Ryu. I am Black Belt 3rd Dan at Wado and it easy to start off, not too hard, good for your 5 year old child. Anyway, your decision, hope you find our comments useful, and best of luck
  8. Well, when I graded for my Black Belt, I did Basics, Renraku Wazza, Sparring and a Kata, which was Hangetsu. There are different Kihon you learn as you progress at my club, the only main change is the Kata. Next was Sochin, and for my current rank, Empi.
  9. Don't worry You will grade up faster if you attend more lessons! Good luck for the future
  10. Black Belt 3rd Dan at Wado-Ryu, and when I practiced Tangsudo up to purple belt.
  11. Believe it or not, I have a rota. One day I practice Kata, the next day Kihon. Generally 90 mins plus, and I will practice it by teaching it to pupils and in lessons, [both Kata and Kihon]
  12. For me, quite a lot, as I am one of the instructors at my club. 4-5 plus lessons a week, there are 7 per week. Quite a lot, means you will learn more and grade quicker.
  13. This is hard... As a Wado-Ryu Black Belt 3rd dan, I love advanced Katas such as Kushanku, Chinto, Bassai Dai, Sochin and Hangetsu, but you cant beat a spot Of Pinan Yondan or another Pinan Kata. My fave Pinan Kata is Yondan, and Shodan is great too. Otherwise, Kushanku, Bassai Dai and Sochin.
  14. Yes, TSD is a good karate to learn. It is basically South Korea's Shotokan, and a few types of Japanese Karate, such as Wado-Ryu, have cognates to Tangsudo Hyungs. Good luck, and I hope you get far there!
  15. I used to practice Tangsudo, I, personally focused on the Hyungs, as they were the best part of TSD. But, I focused on everything, and got to purple belt.
  16. No I haven't, but I have a feeling it may be a spin-off to Tekki/Naifanchi. It should the be the fifth in the series, as Godan is five. If you need any help with it, there are some videos on YouTube that may help you.Just type in Junro Godan Shotokan and it may help. Best of luck!
  17. Hello all! I am MasutaDeKaba, which means Kata Master in Japanese and I am a 2nd Dan Black Belt in Wado-Ryu. I have previously practisted Tangsudo, or Tang Soo Do, and got up to my purple belt! My favourite Katas are: Kusanku, Pinan Yondan, Passai, Chinto and Hangetsu. My favourite one from Tangsudo, which I never got to perform as I was purple belt but I loved to watch, was Sipsu. I did perform secretly though Hope to see you in the forums, and if you have any questions, feel free to PM me!
  18. Good luck, hope you grade! We will all be proud of you, no matter what!
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