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  • Martial Art(s)
    Taigyoku Shodan
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ozm8's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Well I think in my opinion people just assume Karate is for kids because of the movie The Karate Kid
  2. It does for me so many times now when i tell someone I do Karate they always say something like karate is useless and is for kids, makes me angry. In my class there is more adults than kids and most of the kids i see usually don't last long/lose-interest within a weeks - months. Does it annoy you guys when people say this rubbish?
  3. I haven't done karate for like a good 4 months because I was busy doing my civil construction course but tonight I went. The sensei pushed us so hard because its the last day for the year and I got to the point where i felt like I was going to choke and die. Also when he didn't get enough responses he would punish us all the make us do these crazy hard stretched for 45 seconds where we had to lay on our stomach and put our feet, and chest up until he says its time over or whatever. Makes me want to never go back lol, it scares me but i know its good for me so i will go back.
  4. Hello when I'm at Karate they always keep telling me to loosen up and that Im stiff. But I'm not even trying to be stiff and even when im trying to be loose im still apparently stiff like wtf. Im just thinking its either anxiety or the medication i take that makes me stiff and there is nothing i can do about it. The worst thing is they do think like come up and shake my shoulder saying loosen up.
  5. Yes, yes it is. Your sparring is non contact, making contact is ESSENTIAL when sparring. You need to learn to take hits as well as deliver. But if you're happy training with them, then fair play to you. If not, go to another dojo and learn properly. Well i think our class is different or corrupt because they let yellow belt and above contact just not white belts and kids
  6. Apparently my school is a mc dojo. I train at GKR but I've been yellow belt for about 1-2 years now and there are no kids with black belts. I didn't have the money to buy a gi so they even donated one for me.
  7. it was a ruptured fibula, moved ligament and fracture. I had an Left ankle open reduction operation.
  8. Nah he was just trying to say that he has higher standards than most other instructors. He also says/claims that he only likes letting me grade if he is %100 perfectly sure that you will pass.
  9. Ok so its been around 2 years since a started Karate and i kinda had an accident a while ago and was disabled for about 4 months but now im back into karate. But wouldn't it be time i get to grade? apparently according to a chart I have from my karate school, you only need minimum of 6 weeks in order to attempt grading to get your orange belt. But my instructor says here is the normal instructors standards, and he put his hand near the floor then he said now here are my standards and puts his hand near his head. So i want to get orange belt but I will feel embarrassed to ask for some reason. So what should i do?
  10. ok i though it might have been from those damm sumo stances they make us do. They make us do these sumo stances and stay in the stance for ages, pushing us beyond our limit lol then it kills for days later. Oh and while doing the sumo stances, like every 20-30 seconds they say lower, lower till the point where its unbearable.
  11. oh really so you can't actually get them from doing materials arts or exercising? I must admin i have put on weight quite rapidly in the past 6 months but I'm not like obese.
  12. Does anyone else get lots of stretch marks from doing Karate? I have a heap of stretch marks on both of my upper thighs, and a few stretch marks on my left arm. How do I stop getting them?
  13. no but I had about 6 beers the night before and had nothing to eat the entire day because i woke up at around 4pm
  14. Is it normal to feel sick when exercising? pretty much we did this exercise called suicide runs and what you do is, you run half way across the court touch the ground and back, touch the ground again then you run all the way across and do 3 situps and back. That 4 time and each time you double the sit ups but for some reason about 5-10 after we finished it and i had water i started to feel really sick.
  15. Ok when i first joined my karate class we were averaging about 10-20 people every session, with a nice mix of kids and adults. Now for the last 3 months since i recovered from my broken ankle there is only me, my little brother, 2 old ladies and my instructor who is only 20. I feel so out of place lol, but to be honest i do prefer smaller classes, probably because of my anxiety. Sometimes we do get one new person but then they don't come back ever again.
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