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Everything posted by AndrewH

  1. Wasn't Xing Yi the Gold Lion's son on The Man with the Iron Fists?
  2. NO! lol. Just kidding. I may work on an Associate's. I have a full semester, but I took time off to work full time and practice karate. Once I earn my black belt, I will probably go back to school. My challenge after that is American Ninja Warrior!!!
  3. Got my personal trainer certification Friday and my 3rd Kyu on Saturday! The money and time put in to martial arts and fitness is almost always worth it!
  4. I have been at this grade for a long time. The tests are generally every six months, but I have been declining promotion to keep fighting intermediate because I have not been happy with my fighting. Up until the last tournament, I took two second places in a row. I have been competing with Seiyunchin, our brown belt kata, and taking first. My Sensei wants me to progress because I have put in a lot of instruction and he wants another judge from our dojo at the tournaments to make sure our guys aren't getting cheated. It has been happening lately, but that isn't what this thread was supposed to be about... To the point: My kata are strong and sharp, and I am proficient with all bunkai and the history (which more people should be) I have no problem with speaking and I am a teacher by trade. I already know the ins and outs.
  5. So, I am currently only at 4th Kyu, but testing soon for 3rd. I have been holding myself back for tournament purposes and my Sensei wants me to test in March for Black Belt. I know all of the kata and I have put plenty of time in grade. Getting to the point, I am looking to start my own dojo soon after I finally get my Shodan. My Church doesn't have any martial arts club, so I feel like that would be a fantastic place to get my start. I'm wondering how to approach to ask though, and can I charge? It is kind of awkward. Can anyone help me out?
  6. Study everything!!! I like Judo, because I feel like there is less male on male embrace.
  7. Refer to my signature.
  8. I think it is better to train in two completely different styles. My main styles are Kobayashi Shorin-Ryu (Traditional and based more on Shuri-Te) and Kempo & Goju (A hybrid Sport style based more on Naha-Te) The have almost no similarities past the basics, and even those are a little different. Plus it looks better when you show someone your wall and they see two certificates that don't say exactly the same thing. You do what your heart tells you, but any good martial artist will inevitably study a different style.
  9. Thank you, and it has been awesome!
  10. My experience is in my signature, and I am excited to be part of this forum.
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