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gronis's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Sure, but there's usually a "correct" way written down somewhere. Not timing them is something that you would get corrected for in JKA Shotokan. Was wondering about if it's a thing in Kyokushin as well. It's very similar but at the same time different from Shotokan kihon
  2. I'm 2nd kyu in Shotokan but have switched to kyokushin over the summer. Due to my previous karate experience they let me skip the beginners class so they don't explain the very basic stuff. Much is similar but I'm wondering if it's important to time the foot and hand to finish at the same time as it is in Shotokan while doing kihon with steps? I seem to have a hard time to manage that with kokutsu dachi and mawashi shuto uke. Am I supposed to?
  3. I just passed for 2nd kyu in JKA Shotokan. Aiming for shodan in early 2018.
  4. I'm going on a trip to Kaunas and Vilnius in Lithuania, Riga in Latvia and Tallin in Estonia. I'm also in need of a new Gi but would rather spend the money on other stuff at the moment. I was wondering if Gi's of decent quality can be found cheap in any of these places? Do you guys know about any MA stores one could visit?
  5. Today i sparred against another art for the first time since i started martial arts. I sparred against a thaiboxer. It was pretty difficult. He put on pressure and almost constantly was to close for the longer shotokan techniques. It was hard keeping him at distance. Had to use hooks and uppercuts that i haven't practiced enough it seems. The legkicks were a bit harder to do anything about than i expected. Although i did hit and kick him and managed to throw him once i must admit that i got dominated for the most part. He did have a hard time with backfist though. I will probably face him again. Any tips? For discussion im interested to know about your experience in fighting other arts. Any arts you find especially challenging with your skillset?[/i]
  6. That was interesting. I've just started to practice bassai dai and I don't do any weapons training but it made more sense to me with the Bo:)
  7. I was wondering about what katas are unique to each style of Karate. Either completely unique or a version more than a little different from others. What style do you practice and what unique katas do you have?
  8. Thats not something we train. If we would I would imagine it taking place during dojo-sparring that we do without gloves. I use these when training for competition(without intention of competing, just like the training) Grabbing wrists or Gi with these gloves works allright though. The movement of the fingers is slightly restricted.
  9. I spar with these ones. http://sbisport.se/kampsport-stilar/karate/budo-nord-knogskydd-point.html
  10. I've never heard of this before but I suddenly feel like vomiting.
  11. Will I, doing as your post suggests, diminish the office for which I was elected to?? Dai-Soke was on the floor and not leaving explanations with anyone to perform FOR HIM, and while I've seen what you're speaking about from other governing bodies, I'm dedicated to what I saw and learnt from Dai-Soke; he was both large and in charge WHILE still being large and in charge on the floor AT THE SAME TIME. Still, your post is solid, and to be considered!! I don't think so. If an instructor has a lot of knowledge you notice that and respect them for that even if they can't perform everything.
  12. If you know how to explain stuff without showing the whole movement at full force its fine really. You can also use your more able students to show the techniques while explaining the details.
  13. We usually spend the first 30 of 90 minutes on conditioning/stretching. Mostly muscular work with our own or a partners bodyweight and sometimes we focus a bit more on cardio. We have classes 6 days a week. Personally I love it. I don't think that I would find the motivation to do it on karatefree days with any regularity.
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