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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Wado Ryu, Judo, BJJ, KU
  • Location
  • Occupation
    Emergency Services

hurtswheniblink's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. get hit or kicked less than you hit or kick them lol
  2. Cross Training, free weights, body weight exercises...no running...different accent same memories evildave...too long in the military for running to be enjoyable anymore!!!
  3. They are about as different as you can get style wise with Shotokan as you know being more of the traditional Japanese school and Kenpo well, not being so traditionally rooted. As Wastelander states you will benefit from some of the things they do in kenpo, but I say that as a long time believer in training in many different styles to become a more rounded practicioner. Whether it is for you or not, only you can decide, but give it a try. What have you to lose?
  4. Look at whether you intend over time becoming a karateka that lifts weights or a weight lifter that practices karate!. The point im making is that after a heavy legs days Im often so sore that I cant properly train Karate..so the two aren't always compatible. Please keep in mind tho that this is just a snippet answer, a lot will depend on how often you train, how many times a day, your recovery etc etc
  5. Hi all. New to this forum but have been practicing in one MA or another for best part of 31 years (combination of starting very young and not being as young any more!!!). Very interested in making new friends, reading the opinions of others and the development of MA around the globe as I truly believe that MA transends culture/languages etc etc Look forward to being part of the community!!
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