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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Customized/Merged Karate and Boxing with a bit of personal touch
  • Location
    Canada, Ontario
  • Interests
    Martial Arts, Eating and Sleeping, Massage, Eating and Sleeping, Music, Eating and Sleeping... did I forget I like to Eat and Sleep?
  • Occupation

A_Christian's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Alright thanks, I appreciate the help .
  2. No such thing as a best martial art. There is however, great martial artists.
  3. 1. be able to do one handed handstand pushups 2. be able to do complete splits 3. find a place to spar (right now I'm forced to train on my own which means no sparring :/ which sucks)
  4. Oh no I have not . Is it possible for you to send me a youtube link or something that can show me how it is done? I would be very grateful . As for the hot shower thing I NEVER thought of that. Taking a shower to heat up the body and then do stretches to make the limbs more bendable and able to stretch better? Genius idea thanks.
  5. So I used to go to this dojo as a kid it was called Joslin's. Anyways, we were about 12 years old when we all did jiu-jitsu(at least I was some of my friends there did it earlier). So there were 3 of us, me, Terence, and the big fat guy Josh. So me and my sister(we were not friends just saying ) were practicing as usual because she was afraid to practice anyone else, and Josh was practicing Terence. So I was kinda bored because we were doing this exercise where one person lied down, and the other would jump between the legs(it was a movement thing) and I'm watching Terence and Josh, and Josh happend to trip and this like 120-150 pound kid landed his knees straight in Terence's crotch. The guy must have been in pain for 10 minutes straight before he was finally ready to spar that class. Ever since that class, he never came to a single class without wearing a jock strap xD.
  6. Yahoo search. Was looking for a martial arts forum that centered around what I originally learned as a child.
  7. Well Karate itself as in PURE Karate only, 8 years within a dojo. As for how long have I used Karate and the skills I've learned from Karate in martial arts today? 6 years plus the 8 years from within the dojo, so 14 years.
  8. I guess nobody has a response? Just a reminder when I say standing and not on the ground I mean I don't do the stretching exercises that start on the ground, I start standing and then do them :/ Oh well, guess I'll keep at what I'm doing, I'll get there eventually but I was just curious in case anybody knew a stretching exercise they could link me to or what not since I am no longer within a dojo and haven't been in a few years. Thanks for at least viewing my post :/
  9. Hey I've done martial arts for a long time yet I always slacked on stretching. I've gotten a lot better recently but I'm wondering if there's any type of stretching that can be advised that I'm not doing. Well here's basically what I do daily: Stretching to my toes while standing, back straight Side splits(standing not the sitting on ground stuff) Forward splits(standing, of course) Then what I do is I take the stuff off my fridge and basically stretch my legs each sideways left and right, as well as straight against my fridge. I've always slacked on stretching as a kid, but I'm getting more into it because it's slowing me down a lot not being able to do complete splits. Any advice on stretching to increase my flexibility asap would be appreciated. -David
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