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Smarter Child

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Smarter Child's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. Oh okay. I'll follow your advice Judo. thanks.
  2. It doesn't work that way. We don't have breaks and barely any passing time. better stick with three meals.
  3. Currently I weight 180 pounds. I'm only 5 foot 6 inches. My current diet is hard to say, because I eat randomly and whenever I want to. I'll eat a bigger breakfast and my dinner will be include other scources of proteins and other types of foods. I can't spread my meals out by six days because I have school.
  4. It's easy to understand why people do that. Put yourself in their shoes. I bet you'd do the same.
  5. Should I eat only when I'm hungry (growling stomach, pain, etc) or should I eat before I get hungry? Thanks.
  6. I'm planning to lose 40 pounds so I was wondering what you guys thought of my diet. breakfast 1 cup of milk with bannana lunch serveral mini tomatoes water apple bannana snack: a fruit dinner salad, some protein (beef) and carbs (rice)
  7. Don't give up! Would you rather work hard and reach your goals or stay the same as you are now for the rest of your life? You have to start somewhere.
  8. And I just thought, it doesn't hurt to at least ask if I could take the bus. Well I hope this works out.
  9. Yes I know I'm running out of options. Maybe I'll try getting my parents to take MA, like moneygirl suggested.
  10. I think biking would be a good idea and a good way to get warmed up but biking after 9 p.m. -well I'm not sure if that's the best idea. It gets dark pretty quickly here, especially during the winters.
  11. If you can do push ups on your knees just do that. I was saying that if you couldn't do that, you can do push ups against the wall (try leaning against the wall with your palms on the wall in a push up position and try doing push ups. That's what some people do if they can't do push ups). I don't see why you couldn't run in your backyard, though it depends how big your backyard is. And it might be harder because you have to turn more often/scenary doesn't change so it could get boring.
  12. Taking the bus is an excellent idea, I never thought of it. And I would actually do that, but the only problem is classes are from 7-9 p.m, so I don't think my parents would let me take the bus alone, especially after 9 at night. any other ideas? Smarter Child Ps. I know in some cities 20 minutes on car isn't that big of a distance so walking, running, biking, etc, might be good. But I live in an area where there isn't too much traffic (at least IMO), so 20 mins of car ride would probably take hours to walk/run/bike.
  13. What iolair said is good. If you can't do push ups on the ground you can substitute that by doing it against the wall or any other elevated surface. And don't forget to stretch a lot after your workouts. Flexibility is important!
  14. Hi, I recently quit taekwondo because I found out it wasn't what I was looking for. I think the art itself was great but it wasn't my thing. There is another art I want to take up and the instructor is excellent from what I know, but it takes 20 minutes to get there from my house. I was wondering if you think that's a a long driving time for MA instruction and would you drive that long for instruction? And next, I think 20 minutes is long, but I wouldn't mind it. The only problem is that I am still under driving age and I know my parents will not drive 20 minutes just to take me to MA (they never liked me taking MA in the first place). All the other places nearby are Mcdojos or taekwondo and this is the only art that I really want to do. I'm kind of lost and I don't want to give up martial arts till I'm older and I move out of this town. I want to keep doing it but I have no idea how. Maybe I can find ways to get my parents to drive me there, but I sure can't think of any. So I was wondering what would you do if you had the same problem as me?
  15. I noticed the Warrior Diet contradicted almost everything I've learned about losing weight before. But like you said it does make sense so I think I might try it. I just wanted to hear from people that might know about this diet or might have tried it. I agree a diet is a way of life and if I did lose weight I would probably gain it all back if I went back to my old eating habits. Smarter Child
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