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Deven Roads

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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    A little from a lot
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  • Interests
    Martial Arts, computers, sk8ing

Deven Roads's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. if you want to put it that way sure, but it takes a little more than that.... but I'd listen to rb he's right. All this could mess you up.
  2. Ummm although all that does build speed and ENDURANCE if you really want to be able to take a hit beat yourself up ... take a stick and hit your self in the forum and legs a lot. if you have a tree kick it like Van Damm kicks it in "Kickboxer" with your shin untill you can't stand it anymore than do it some more after a month of this you should build up pain tolerance and your shin will actually form to be so tuff that with in time you'll be the one breaking bats over your shins. hit your self with the stick, bat, etc. enough in your stomach and every where ou can think of except I wouldn't recomend hitting yourself in the face or "that area..." I personally would just stick to shadow boxing if you don't want to go through all of that other stuff.
  3. well it's hard to teach something that's physical through words but I'll give it a shot. Basically what your going for is a punch where your entire wight enters your punch without falling over or losing balance at all. I was taught by my friend who had a personal trainer for two years and this is what he taught him. when you punch you want to keep it focused and well taimed (don't let your wrists bend) When you go for the punch stay lose handed right tell the point that your about to it. the reason for that is your a lot faster when lose your free to do almost anything and right when your fists clutch and you hit that's when you put all your weight in this effect giving you a fast yet effective punch. I'm not sure what stance you use so I'll go at it from a boxing stance. your to your site and hands up and lose. go in for that punch and right when you do it twist you entire upper half into it and close your fist tight and try to put all that energy right into that punch.try not locking your arm while doing this it might hurt your elbow really bad like I did.(it sucked ) for practice I recommend taking maybe 10 pounders or so and punch slowly and acuretly with the weights in your hands then when you've built up more strength try going faster and faster tell you're throwing fast and extremely effective punches. and practice practice practice I could never stress that enough.
  4. read the forum "can I really go super sayin" don't laugh at me just read it any questions and I'll answer.
  5. check out ninjitsu.com for training video, etc. but I recommend get some of those tie on weights and run, you'll build speed tremendessly, also try a lot of shadow boxing, and use your imagination pretend someone's there and design a schedule for yourself to help your training. (ex. Mon. run and meditate, Tues. shadow box and stretch...sun. rest,etc.0 juust make it to your likeing.
  6. I've seen people throw those "power punches" and all though they do have quite a bit of power the other person usually can counter it quite quickly. If you use it I recommend being fairly big, but I know my friend does that but his instructor also taught him how to back out fast too and so he has both power and speed. I could tell you what he told me and how his pumches worked if you want.
  7. I was sparrin a red belt when I was still gold and he nailed me right in the stomach with a side kick. well after that I was quite scared but I learned that you shouldn't back up the person will follow you tell your tired and give up. I found even if your not as good get in there and try literaly jump right in on gaurd and throw a few punches. get used to getting hit and not backing down. If this wasn't sparring I'd tell you something completley different, but for now brace your self to get hurt but give it your all. I did and ended up with 1st place for point spar and second for continuous in an invetational down in TX.
  8. Breath... just breath. concentrate and relax, focus, losen up, try to prevent them as much as possible
  9. it is but at first don't try to clear your mind of all thoughts because then your thinking about that and it strains your mind. try relaxing first and pratice practice practice. don't worry bout it you'll get it.
  10. another tip... KICKCHICK's advice is good too it helped me out when I got started, remember there's not just one way of meditating. You can have your eyes open, closed, etc. and it all depends what works best for you so try different things.
  11. I hate when that happens, but the best thing I found was to try looking forward (with your eyes closed ofcourse) cuz if you're like me when I started I kept looking up as if trying to see through my head and it's just making my eyes roll back giving me head aches. it might seem when you look forward that you're coming out of it but if you keep at it it'll eventually click and you'll get it. Unfortunetly it can take people years just to get used to it and well trained. I recomend meditating wright before you go to bed and do it for a minnimum of 15 min. and every time you lose focus reconcentrate on your breathing. suggested music: Mozart, Orbital's "Halcyon", rain in forests, all those cool nature cd's and tapes, or absolute silence.
  12. I found this to e a pretty good sight ... http://www.ninjitsu.com/
  13. Don't think I havn't qestioned it either, and I'm afraid it might be dangerous, but just wondering on all the info ya'll can give. thank-you. ... Don't think I never laughed at this either I'm just trying it out to see what happens.
  14. Forget the Super Saiyan stuff I was using it as a metiphore. I don't actually thing I can grow my hair out that long being covered with ki energy that loks like fire. I was just questioning if anyone knew about it. ... I tried it today and something did happen that put me in a higher level of ability. It also has to do with mind/ spirit like meditation.
  15. I've checked the yellow pages and such but I can't find any martial arts that I want to join, but I've heard about places yet I don't know where they are. I was wondering if there was any site or anyway I can find a listing of ALL the dojos around where I live?(Minnesota)
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