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Everything posted by kindj

  1. I have heard that one should go through a stretching routine daily, whether working out that day or not. I have heard an equal number of people say that stretching--much like weightlifting--should only be done every other day, so that the muscles/tendons/ligaments can repair the micro-tears that occur. Any solid facts out there on this? Thanks!
  2. Thanks, and I have a message sent off to my doc. I go to the VA clinic, so I could very well be retired before I get a response. I think that "pain" was the wrong word. "Stiffness and rapid fatigue" in the hip flexors might have been a better word choice. Don't know if that changes anything, but I thought I'd throw it out there. Thanks again!
  3. Greetings! I'm not sure that this is where my question belongs, but it seems close. I have recently (3 months ago) begun Tang Soo Do, with my previous experience having been in American Kenpo some 20 years ago. I am having trouble with my kicks. My balance stinks these days, but the main thing is the "pain" is felt way up on my upper thighs, pretty much where the thigh meets the waist. I can't really kick and hold my foot out there but for a second or so. Is this the hip flexor that's weak, or is it something else? How do I overcome this? Many thanks!
  4. Good day to all! After a 20+ year break, I am back in the martial arts, this time with my youngest son by my side. The family that kicks together sticks together, right? Anyhow, my previous training was in American Kenpo, which I enjoyed a great deal. Time, distance, and circumstances were what got in the way. Now I have found myself in a school whose primary art is Tang Soo Do, which I have fallen in love with. I have a great respect for how they hold as closely as possible to the traditional aspects of it. In addition, they also integrate some American Kenpo and Hapkido into the learning, for some "right to the point" self-defense. Glad to be back, and hope my flexibility returns at some point. Right now it seems the heavy bag is more flexible than I am. Happy to be here!
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