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    NE CT
  • Interests
    dogs, MA, Bartitsu, Steampunk
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AngelAriz's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. The proof is easy to see. If boxing is not efficient and effective, why then when you put two people together to fight, they start swinging jab,crosses, and hooks? Because it is simple, effective, and 99% of the time works.
  2. Ive made a largerone, about a foot square from some pleather double stitched and filled loosely and the kids and I have been using the pleather one a lot more. We have been using the 1-10-1 count as wehit with vertical fists in the JikChung Choi way. 100 punches in a few seconds several times a day has been a fun way to condition our hands and wrists, and get a decent pump in the triceps.
  3. I guess the concept of functional strength is lost in this post.
  4. Barbells are too balanced to develop certain types of strength. Much like you dont practice bench pressing when you want to develop strong grappling. You would grab a bag or a person and do lifts, squats, kneel, etc to develop assisting muscles besides the major muscles worked in normal weight training routines.i have found mytraining has always made me stronger that my friend who is a gym rat. He is 40 pound heavier than i am and can bench, deadlift, and squat more than I, but he is weak in motion. Weak in grappling, and weak in endurance work. So, that is why some folks do not use the "sterile" gym scene for functional strength training.
  5. I have also been using it as a slip bag. A pound of rice upside my head will remind me to keep up head movement...lol
  6. Functional muscle is usually the goal when looking for functional exercises. For instance my work out is one used by many fighters however i use it for obstacle course runs and fighting strength.
  7. Functional muscle is usually the goal when looking for functional exercises. For instance my work out is one used by many fighters however i use it for obstacle course runs and fighting strength.
  8. I alternate Plan A- runs, log squats, sledge hammer and tire, burpees, and rounds of boxing gear work. Plan B- longer runs, pull ups, dips, leg raises, live weapon drills.
  9. Yeah mine was about $5 when adding in the rope and tape cost.
  10. I made a wall bag and decided to make it a part of my Mook Jong. Thiskind of work is pretty good upper body endurance work. My arms were burning up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Fj1L-AKxA8&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  11. Tao of JKD is a collection of notes and ideas. It wasnt a finished product. Sijo Lee used many training methods, discarded many. The training methods and drills that became known as JKD is in the hands of the Original JKD and 2 nd generation students. If you dont train with a qualified instructor you will not "see" and feel the energy the drills are supposed to be done with.
  12. Not counting the two JKD classes ill be teaching this will be my days physical training for the Spartan Beast. It is a light training day because i did an 11 mile run and pt on tueday and dont want to burn out or over train. So here it goes- Pull ups, Dips, Thor's hammer Burpees with medicine ball 2 mile fast run And 5-6 rounds on heavy bag depending on how i feel after the run. Have a good day of trainimg people.
  13. Ive been training Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do for a little more than 15 years. I have trained with 2 nd and 3 rd generation JKD teachers. I have also trained with FMA kenpo, and Koga Ryu teachers. I Always come back to JKD and teach my children JKD because while i respect other arts, i feel that jkd is the Science of Steet fighting. By the way, a person who claims JKD, yet doesnt train with a full instructor with a legitimate lineage back to Bruce Lee, Dan Inosanto, Taky Kimura, or Ted Wong...is phony.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNu0emP1BC4&feature=youtube_gdata_player I am sharing this to get a little bit of a critique. One thing i noticed right off the back is that i lift my chin when i start rolling my punches or fast trapping sets. But ill be silent and take some lumps from you good folks. [/url]
  15. Sir, i dont post outof a guess. Sigung Tim Tackett and many others said the same. Bruce Lee liked the efficiency and footwork of western Boxing and reserved Boxing as his secret Weapon against martial Artists. Jun Fan Gung Fu is modified Wing Chun, but JKD is modified Boxing. Believe it or not. But i have been a JKD man for over 15 years.
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