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Shotokan_Fighter's Achievements

Green Belt

Green Belt (5/10)



  1. i dont know much about ishinryu, but i do know alot about shotokan, if i were you id go and find a dojo for shotokan and find one for ishinryu, and watch them and see what both styles are like. or you could join either one and find out what there like 1st hand. i love shotokan so if i were to tell u, id say shotokan, but idk much about ishinryu so its up to you. good luck
  2. i love everything about my choosen style, shotokan karate. to me it is the best and i wont goto another style, i love shotokan, it has tought me to fight, punch hard (very hard!), body conditioning, speed, shotokan has helped me alot, thats why i love my style
  3. YES!!!! shotokan is effective in self defense, shotokan karate is one of the best styles of karate once you know how to use it is very effective. i have had to use it in fights 5 times now and IT WORKS!!! i have been doinshotokan karate for 2 years now, i am a 2nd brown belt and i know how to use shotokan karate. to me its the best style, i wouldnt goto any other style or mix in, i want to mast this one style, the power house style of karate, shotokan karate. and for you ppl who say shotokan is slow LOL ok tell me this if shotokan is the powerhouse style of karate, i know it is, then speed equals power right, so if it is a powerfull stlye then you have to be fast to get that power, i know this. i am very fast and very pwerfull. my sensie is a 3rd black bvelt and i can put up a good challenge against him, iv had 5 bruised ribs just from sparring with him, and that was light comtact, so it is a very powerfull style and fast style.
  4. ok ppl where are the shotokan stylist???? out of this all there were what 3 or 4, come on shotokan is the best style out of all the karate styles. mine is SHOTOKAN KARATE!
  5. I have tryed wrist weights they do work, i like them but i dont use them all the time.
  6. to get your BB in shotokan takes at least 3 1/2 to 4 years of training.
  7. wrong, in my shotokan club we work on grappling not all the time its not a major deal to us beacuse we plan on not letting ppl take us to the ground. If that did happen id know what to do, iv trained in that exact situation, and i do know how to counter the situation. shotokan does teach grappling but not heavly, up until about your 3rd dan thats when you get more into the grappling. i love my style and i wont change, everyone at this forum knows this.
  8. where was i, my cpu went to s**t, so i had to get another one and i did, so now im back and glad to be
  9. just to tell everyone im back and glad to be
  10. like i have said before i dont belive in cross training, i say that if you stay and master your one art you will be a better fighter beacuse you are focused on learning that one style not many other styles. I will never train in another style, my heart and sould is dedicated to shotokan karate and i will master the style.
  11. yes shotokan is a combative style of karate, you will learn how to fight, combat is fighting, and you will know how to fight against your opponent very well, i know this for a fact
  12. im my eyes you are the best if you stay with one style and master that one style, why beacuse if you have to train and worry about your 2 different styles your not gonna be as good as you would be if you focused on mastering one style
  13. sorry about that, i typed this in the wrong post lol
  14. im my eyes you are the best if you stay with one style and master that one style, why beacuse if you have to train and worry about your 2 different styles your not gonna be as good as you would be if you focused on mastering one style
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