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Everything posted by barrypardue

  1. What if you are a big martial artist? I am 6'3 and weigh 225 pounds. I bench press over 300 pounds. So with my Judo and Shotokan training along with my boxing I thing there is a chance for a larger martial artist like myself not to get killed by a wrestler. For a smaller martial artist the weight, height and strength advantage would be harder to overcome. But there are martial artist and masters who are over 6'6 and 300 pounds who are quite nimble for their size so despite size and strength advantage I really don't see the wrestlers advantage over a same size and strength martial artist!
  2. Run as fast as you can , if they are faster than you fight with all you have what happens at that point doesn't really matter Just do your best!
  3. Would be breaking alot of legs if they would allow it
  4. Would really change things you wouldn't be so slippery so judo throws and collar chokes would be more likely
  5. I agree you should go until you cannot go anymore..
  6. Powerful and with enough practice devastating!
  7. Won't attack unless its my last option and I or someone I love is in danger
  8. I don't practice it but my friend does, looks interesting!
  9. I am a 1st Dan in Judo and have no idea what is going on in roll 1 looks like really bad form or goofing off
  10. Would be sacrificing new techniques to perfect present techniques.
  11. My brother switched from Kung Fu to Shotokan Karate said that Kung Fu wasn't his thing.
  12. All styles
  13. Fighting should be the last option only for self defense hes clearly not worth the trouble or your time
  14. You earned it so no one can take it..
  15. A book or DVD, Maybe a class from a dojo lol
  16. I prefer Shotokan Karate or Judo
  17. Great topic. They need to do more practice
  18. If Bruce Lee were alive today he would have started UFC and Dana White would be out of a job!! LOL
  19. Those moments are a very pleasant reward for hard practice and proper technique.
  20. Chuck Norris , Jean Claude Van Damme, Steven Seagal, Bruce Lee
  21. You never stop learning, but you might have an edge on a newbie if you have previous martial arts experience in another style.
  22. Squats and Deadlifts are good but be very careful you don't want to hurt yourself even worse!
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