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Everything posted by Gomez77

  1. Awesome!! I feel so much better knowing I'm not the only one sore everyday,, great post
  2. When I was a kid I went to a Fred villari's studio of self defense " mc dojo" and had a great teacher named Tom Wilson,, he taught me a lot, I just wish I could remember the katas, and Tom if your out there I apologize for being a pain in the rear,, and thanks a lot for all the training! If he were still in the area I would have went back to him,
  3. Gomez77

    Uechi ryu

    I know he did go to fujian province, didn't know about him studying in different schools, the version I've heard is he went to learn Chinese medicine and learn kung fu. And his teacher Shusiwa trained him, and for the first 3 years of his training all he did was Sanchin,, now that is dedication! But the way u described makes a lot of sense to why there isn't much grappling or take downs in the system
  4. Gomez77

    Uechi ryu

    Sanchin,, when I first started I was like ,, this is karate and the more I practiced and learned new kata and kumite it started to make sense,, Sanchin is everything in our style, from the foundation to or stances, power and breathing without Sanchin there would be no uechi ryu,, I just don't understand why they're aren't more take downs in our system, maybe it's just the way my instructor was taught. I do see where take downs could or would work with different applications, I just think every one that takes a martial rt should atlleast learn how to take a fall or take some one down
  5. I remember the day I went to enroll at my school,, and one of the first things my sensei said to me was "I don't do this to make friends" it has kinda stuck with me through the years especially when he tries to make small talk, I just don't know how to respond or react, I mean I say to myself does he really care what's going on or just saying this because he feels like he muat
  6. I have been studying karate, and just started taking kung fu, and my kung fu instructor decided to skip the external forms and start me on the internal forms, starting me on the 42 position form of tai chi,. I'm hoping it can help with my soft side! Has any one else put these 2 arts together?
  7. Gomez77

    Uechi ryu

    How many of u have studied uechi ryu,, I've been studying about 5 years now,, and just wanna see people's lineage and which bunkai's and kumites people know.
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