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    new jersey

crouton's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. i train in the system in nyc. what kind of information are you looking for. id be happy to help you out.
  2. my schools site, vee arnis jitsu (in the signature) along with one of our sister schools, the defense institute.
  3. personally, i would question your dojo and your instructors quality if he passes you after you "made loads of mistakes". you either know it and pass or you dont and fail.
  4. vee arnis jitsu. a realistic self defense system that doesnt take years to be effective.
  5. kirves, im just curious as to what you do? sorry if you already mentioned it, i must have missed it.
  6. thanks for the explanation, JerryLove. i understand what you mean now. Treebranch, do you have a school website where i can read about your art.
  7. JerryLove, i am not exactly sure what you mean when you said: "I know what you loose; you loose cohesion." can you explain that to me a little more. thanks.
  8. that is exactly what vee arnis jitsu is, a complete art. a self defense system that covers all angles. it is composed of mainly three arts - vee jitsu, muay thai, and arnis, but in some ways has aspects of other arts in it. it covers your striking, groundwork, joint locks, and weapons. everything you would need in a self defense situation.
  9. espy-tv - http://www.espytv.com/ , a lot of great martial arts videos. united fighting system's martial arts video reviews - http://home.att.net/~erik.mann/mavr.htm , great reviews on many different martial arts videos. i think they are number 1 for video review websites.
  10. if you cant get to a school, i think your best bet would be to try an instructional video.
  11. if this person comes within 3 feet of you(the area in which you can be punched or kicked) in an aggressive manner, then you need to defend yourself until you can safely get away. you don't know this person and what he is capable of or if he has a weapon on him, so you need to react, no question about it.
  12. i totally understand what you are talking about. the HIT program is really geared towards those that dont want to train for years or just dont have the time to put in but still want to be safe if ever in a confrontation. its basic, easy to learn, and very effective. dont get me wrong though i would never pass up regular classes for the HIT program, although this class is offered at the school. one on one instruction cant be beat. but if i had to learn self defense in a short amount of time i would go for the HIT program.
  13. Icetuete, what about it dont you believe in. just interested in knowing
  14. VAJ: 1-2-3 HIT program
  15. i'd have to agree with SubmissionFighter. some traditional martial arts, though good, takes years to become effective in a self defense situation. if you just want an effective (street) self defense system, check out Vee Arnis Jitsu.
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