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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shaolin Temple KF

CMA's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Just wondering if you guys had heard about the "UFC diet". Such as not eating certian types of vegetables or meats together. In info on that would be great.
  2. Spekr Moalb Sra Camry of Amoxicillin Reporting in ...
  3. Make sure you aren't holding your breath while you do cruches. Breath deep and exhale as you come up.
  4. Gotta love those nunchukas
  5. I take Shaolin kungfu, and I love it. Like larry said in the old schools there was more focus on the spiritual side of it, but I have a christian instructor so we don't go into any of that.
  6. The praying mantis is one of the animal systems in Shaolin temple Kung fu. I only know one mantis form but it includes: sweeps, armbreaks, and striking pressure points using the mantis claw.
  7. My first submission was the second time I ever grappled. We started the fight standing up and then when he went in to take me to the ground I locked my leg behind his throwing him off balance. I immediately started going for his back and soon I had him in a choke.
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