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Everything posted by obiKarate

  1. ditto ... all the answers before mine
  2. Okinawa was its own Kingdom, invaded I believe twice by China and Twice By Japan. After the war it was "given" to Japan
  3. Through the practice of Kata other drills such as gohon kumite and sparring isn't one already doing body conditioning .. just a thought
  4. I am new to this forum, but the question was asked "All kata starts with a block...Why?" Karate is defensive and therefore starts and ends defensively.
  5. OBI Karate School of Virginia, We opened our doors in 1968 and teach Okinawan Kobayshi-te Shorin-ryu. If you are in the area, stop by
  6. Train 4 to 5 times per week, attend class 3 times per week. Many times instead of watching TV I'll work on Kata, or focus on a particular technique. May I say that this site is a really good idea. Hope to be visiting it more often.
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