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Takeru69's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Thanks a lot for the reply guys.
  2. Yesterday i came to the sad realisation that my Karate school give new belt base on time and not on skill. I got verry desapointed because i feel that skill should decide if your ready to change belt or no. On the other hand i really like my school, i enjoy going there, the teachers are great and there is always a positive feeling in the class. So do i stick with this school and in 3 year get a black belt that i might not actually deserve, or i change school and take the risk to go to a place that i won't like as mutch as this one?
  3. Thanks guys for the info. I'm actualy stretching it as often as i can, and yes it hurt like hell.
  4. Well that's it... apparently i went to far back on a knee kick and my calf muscle got torn. Any advice for a quick recovery. I'm already 4 weeks without doing sport but i want my leg to heal corectly. Right now it feels like my calf don't strech anymore. And i cant stant on my toes.
  5. Kids (3-5y) is 30 min For Addult it start at 45 min per class 10 min War-up 20 min Practive 15 min Drill Later for more advance belt the class is longer. But yes i feel like it's to short.
  6. White White/Yellow Yellow Yellow/Orange Orange Orange/Green Green Blue Brown Black For Kids (They are called Little Ninja) White White/Purple Purple Purple/red RED
  7. I'm in the same boat as you (moobs wise anyway) , 20 week ago i started the path to make them vanish. First what i learned from my experience (lost 42 pound in 20 weeks so far) is that weight lost is 80 % diet and 20 % exercise. Calorie counting is the key for me. I use Myfitnesspall to calculate my calories intake per day and i keep it under my maintenance level. You need to create a defecit ethere way you want (exercise or diet) . As for the moobs it could also be Gynecomastia. Do some research on it.
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