What associations are everyone a part of? Ive noticed lately that everyone is a part of some association with some head guy with a Japanese title like super hanshi soke reverend dr grandmaster. Anyway, to the point. I've come to a point in my teaching that I need to promote a student to 3rd degree. After much researching and people questioning me as to why I'm not 4th degree side being 3rd since 08, I had to tell them how I have no instructor anymore. I also can't find anyone who teaches my style of martial arts. No, you don't need to know what I practice, so don't ask. After more researching, I find that most schools teach the same forms or some variation of them, yet someone almost always branches out on their own to make their own style. So I looked into an association so I can be promoted so I can promote my students. No, I'm not making or even want my students to join an association because I feel they don't offer anything. Every association says the same thing and the head guy in charge almost always has 50 different associations he's a part of. IMO, certificates are worthless outside of the association that they're given in. So, do I join an association, how do I find a LEGIT one, or what should I look for, and what is a reasonable price for promotion? And NO, I'm not changing styles. Shank you all for reading my rant and replying.