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Everything posted by maisweh

  1. that first blitz came from FAR!!! he outclassed that first boy. only critiques, it looked more like tickle tag than what im used to, like barely a tap got him the point when he could have been hitting alot harder. and 2) is that NASKA or NASKA rules? since i saw everyone had that chest protector and face shield. but this is coming from an old school NBL guy every other blitz his timing was on point.
  2. im pretty sure it would be the way it was written that would upset people. some of the grips i noticed were the same in plumbflower/mantis as well as some striking points, but theres only so many ways teh body can move. its just evolution of the arts. after the chinese contact with okinawa, there was some transmission of techinques, but also too with siam, japan, thailand, etc.
  3. Miami Central: Alex Reyes. 3rd Degree BB - 786.333.0753 If you can make the drive, I HIGHLY reccommend this guy ^^^^ Coral Springs: Stephen Tsaclas. 4th Degree - 954.326.0991 http://www.eastwestkarateboca.com/about_us.html ^^ i think this is lauren kearney's instructor, shes on team JPM, but i havent heard much about it I say give Alex a call, hes the coach of team WKF and if its too far of a drive, he can point you at a great school in the area
  4. mike, what part of florida are you from? florida has ALOT of schools that compete NASKA, and if you can give me a city, i can reccomend you a school to try out.
  5. Also flat footed. alot of those schools teach to be flat footed, where as most places with good tournament teams have them bouncing around and light on their feet.
  6. adam, thats a good example of ippon kumite, looks like WKF or AAU. i dont think any of the good high level point fighters in NASKA do continuous because it doesnt pay and each tournament is different and they dont follow points like they do in point sparring. this this is a good rule of thumb if you plan on doing it. not to get your hopes down, but i strongly suggest finding a good sport school if you plan on doing that type of competition. most schools who say they "can" teach that to you and dont compete on a regular basis are normally outclassed in tournaments. this andhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ej3iQSUj7Y4
  7. Light Contact Sparring in a Continuous Manner. Under no circumstances should light contact continuous Sparring simulate full contact kickboxing. per rules on the US Open website. keep in mind that these people arent very "good" as we would think, but thats continuous sparring. sport karate school should do the trick.
  8. its not the style, its the school. you want to do continuous sparring, you should find a school with people who compete in the league you want to compete in. i very, very highly doubt that a traditional school like you mention will do well in ISKA continuous sparring.
  9. because ribbon twirling, speed walking, horse dancing and things like that shouldnt be.
  10. post a video of it, im not sure i understand. is your back turned until you throw a kick?
  11. its worth noting, that "blocking" usually wont work very often. the best block is movement. pretty much the only block thats worked on a consisten basis is an open palm brushing block when moving to the back side of someone.
  12. this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nfe2tqid96k
  13. its entertaining to watch, that is all. the younger kids seem to prefer it more than traditional stuff.
  14. something like this, but bo substituted for one pair of chucks may work... if you want to be fancy
  15. true. some people are interested in the history of it, i guess it can be related sort of those who do battle reenactments
  16. actually dug up one of my old certs, and you may find it interesting, but it actually says "sekugichi ryu, ten chi jin" its always just been "karate" to me. had instructors from various systems at different times teach for a few months then go, we've had a BJJ guy who used to come on a regular basis. my instructor since changed to bujinkan, i did a seminar, wasnt impressed and was promoted to 8th kyu. guy teaching it said that our system was based on x-kan or had some of the same teachings, and he said he recognized some of the people in the pictures on the wall. through various sources, search engines, i cant find any link of hatsumi to any koryu and his certificates havent been validated by anyone as far as i can tell. which goes along with this thread, and it doesnt bother me, guy is impressive. just their training style didnt suit me. the wado kata ive seen, i actually enjoy more than what i practice. straight and to the point, nothing overly flamboyant. straight and effective. no stupid low stances, grunting or crazy screaming.
  17. No! Well, at least I don't. That would serve no purpose because words are just that...words. Some words have meaning and some words don't. Therefore, using Japanese words by an American while in a dojo setting or the like doesn't add anything of value to anything. To do it out of habit is one thing, but to do it just to show off and the like is another thing; a mistake to begin with. Same thing with one thinking that they must have affiliation with some governing body from Japan/Okinawa or wherever; it doesn't add anything of value to anything. Yes, my Hombu could seek affiliation with the aforementioned types, however, the Hombu ISN'T from their core, in that, we/they are foreign to one another; different methodologies/ideologies and the like, albeit, both with Okinawa roots. For me, that's just not enough!! a certificate from a certain governing body doesnt make you any better, nor does it make you any more "legitimate" change up a little piece of a kata here, pay a little bit of money, and voila, suddenly now that your'e affiliated with some governing body your'e better
  18. ah if someone uses the wrong word, people jump all over it. tis the world we live in.
  19. i never dismissed associations or any legitimate link with Japan. i just dont understand the point of trying so hard just to find a link, and if not then youre "illigetimate" i do karate. i "americanized" it, being that if i can call something by an american name, like a front snap kick or push kick, or round house, i will. 10th kyu-5th dan. white uniforms. white, orange, yellow, blue, purple, green, brown then black for kids, adults white, green, brown, black. once or twice a month we all come in street clothes and train in that, or after class we use regular clothes. we base off of the pinan, heian, pinanyan forms. we do boxing and kickboxing drills and sparring, we do tournament karate, and i try to pass on as much ground work as i can and urge my students to find what works for them, because i can only give them what works for me. we run our class like a typical karate school/mma gym/insert school here. a kid comes to my class with a bunch of certificates asking to be placed in the "proper" class. certificates dont mean a thing to me, its ability. i dont care what kind of seal or stamp of approval it has, if you cant do a good kick, have good stances, then your certificate is meaningless. in my area, its easier to market without being a japanophile. train to fight, train to compete. send a kid to soccer practice only for 10 years and expect them to not get bored? i'm not trying to get away from anything japanese, but i'm american, and i have forged my own fighting spirit and don't need to copy another cultures. budo intrigues me, yet doesnt make me want to be like them. i don't belive in "one punch, one kill" i dont believe in "ki" or "chi" powers, i beleive we must all make karate our own and not rely on others to dictate us how we should train. i give my kids about 10 minutes at the end of class to pair off and work a section of kata... to let them figure out how it works... thats after boxing drills, stance work, and conditioning as well as joint locks. in our overly politically correct society afraid of hurting feelings and trying to talk their way out of a situation with a bully, while self defense is seen as more and more of "you defend yourself, you get in trouble too." i see less and less martial arts schools actually advertise self defense and use "self confidence" discipline, honor, etc... while I, and many may disagree, but I was always taught, by my dad, that the only way to stop a bully is to stand up and kick his butt, and if i get in trouble, well, he would take my side and have my back. i have my kids backs in those situations. the honor, respect, discipline is all taught in my school, but not advertised like that. it comes with the ground. wow, i went off on a tangent. but that is MY "karate" if you want to call it that. anyway kusotare, tell me about yourself.
  20. the KKK thing had me laughing. my title? coach. that's it. just coach. other sports use it, so i do too. i don't claim to have any relation to the japanese, except that i do karate. thats it, karate. the only thing that irks me is the CONSTANT use of ossu, ush, oss, or whatever you want without realizing what it actually means. they use it like a word that can mean anything from hello, to good job, to hey, can you get me a drink. one guy split off from our school, put all the blackbelt stuff first and whitebelt stuff last, paid some money to an association, and jumped from 3rd to 6th degree. his title is kabuki sensei. funny thing is that kabuki is just a japanese play plus, our system of karate only goes to 5th degree.
  21. First off Koryu means "Old school" in JAPANESE and refers to ancient martial arts...it does not in any way mean Okinawan, which to be frank woudl be Gendai Budo...or new age budo styles as they are NOT as old as the Koryu schools. Other than that...kind of agree with you here. didnt mean it as a question or acting like i dont know what it was, it was more in terms of what is significant about it being a koryu or being directly from japan? and yes, it must be an american thing. must not have made it to other countries yet. i can just do a quick google search and find all kind of jokes with these instructors and schools
  22. What is the significance of the uniform? As far as Buddhism is concerned - that doesn't interest me. Budo on the other hand is pretty key. K. what is the signifance of it being koryu or being from japan? im saying when i "think" of karate or when most people think of it, thats what they think of. i also never said buddhism, i said pseudobuddihsm, where instructors want to be addressed as super grandmaster guru sensei and spew out feel good quotes from various sources and market it as some kind of japanese spirituality.
  23. this thread looks more and more like "where the best is." i think karate, i think white or black uniforms with people in line punching and kicking with pseudobuddhism mixed in. i dont necesarily (sp) think that Japan is the "best." rafael agheyev, luca valdesi, raymond daniels, zsolt moradi... none of them are japanese... of course thats sports speaking. now football wise, new orleans saints or san francisco is where everyone should be
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll7M289-Tlk well, throwing ki balls don't work...
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