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Everything posted by maisweh

  1. so you're saying that you pretty much train to gouge peoples eyes and kick them in the balls? and you want them to not be able to choke or put you in locks? and theyre arrogant, not you?
  2. if youre close enough to tough gloves, your too close and should be blitzing. lead side kick, blitz and defensive side kicks and reverse punch watch any high level naska or nbl fighter and that's what they do.
  3. who else went? all I heard was Sergio, k-swift and aaron.
  4. blue belt is considered a coach and can teach. purple can award stripes, but not belts, but can teach blue belts.
  5. is that Richard Plowdens league that hes involved in? if so, ask him. if not, still ask him. that man is a treasure trove of knowledge
  6. they have a taekwondo school around here now that just added in bjj classes after going to one of those weekend certification seminars. he wears his tkd blackbelt to "teach". pretty hilarious during a festival they did a demo and performed some bjj and talked about it. a bluebelt friend of mine shows up to the school for a free class, makes the blackbelt tap a few times and tells him he needs to take the belt off.
  7. went to a tournament this past weekend and noticed a few of the older blackbelts wearing shureido belts. it had sort of a sheen to it, but looked like cotton? im guessing they were silk belts, not those shiny satin ones ive been seeing. anyone know where i can get one? no embroidery or anything, just plain. thanks!
  8. football, mma, bjj, paintball... anyway,i dont feel that creative/extreme is more "popular", its just thats what ISKA,blitzkick,tournamentnewsonline, and sportmartialarts.com all "push".you dont see nearly as move coverage for fighting or traditional forms. at an event two weeks ago there was 3 times as many fighters as there was "trickers" which give some hope to humanity
  9. what part of the midwest? i think the Leikers have some schools that way. anyway, i feel rank has nothing to do with judging. we had some type of "master" judge with us this weekend and completely screwed everything up. second competitor up in forms, he gives a 7.99 on a scale of 7.80-7.99. now really, if the third, fourth, or fifth competitor comes in and does a BETTER form, what are you going to do? we had SO many ties because of this guy and people placing who shouldnt have. you also have to remember that judges arent paid, so why require them to dress a certain way when most tournaments there arent enough judges and they often just pull people? again, im talking about OPEN tournaments, NOT wkf, wako, wkc, or tournaments that do ippon kumite. there is no comparison in the professionalism of these leagues.
  10. pay the judges. seriously. i don't judge anymore because i dont get paid to judge, i pay to go and coach my students. if they want more professionalism, they need to check out how the irish open is ran.
  11. This post makes me giggle... I can't believe that people are that fixated on the stripes on a belt, where someone wont respect someone for it, or tell them to "get out of my life". It's not the identifiers on said belts, it's the self-promotion that's the problem. That's what I don't respect; it's the self-aggrandizement of it all. And yes, I don't want to be around those types, which is my right. Imho!! sorry, but this sounds like a child who gets mad at his parents and says i hate you, get out of my life. few things in life are as serious to tell someone "get out of my life" and if someone promoting themselves or putting more stripes on their belt gets you THAT fired up, i would like to see how mad you get at things that really matter in life.
  12. You are right in that playing at striking will not work, but from my limited experience a lot of karate guys can never really strike full force as they could injure each other. The problem then is that you would never know if the strikes would work if you ever needed to use them. With my even more limited experience of BJJ, rolling with other guys is completely different. You don;t play, you really try your hardest to submit them, which is much harder than it looks and I honestly think that after a few years of training you would know that it would work as you are sparring against real resistance. That's just my opinion so karate guys cant really hit full force because they might injure? yet kickboxing, MT, sanshou and boxing do practice full force... how about the more likely answer is that most people here think they train in an effective art or manner and really don't. but nope, no one will admit it. I don't imply that 'karate guys' can't strike, or that karate is ineffective - which is your implication. Sparring is playing and within karate the culture of non-contact free sparring has become dominate. So, when a visitor to a karate club wants to 'spar', there is a cultural difference. We're going way off topic here though and later I'll start a more relevant thread. Thanksfully we dont play "tickle tag" or "non touch". theres only one association i know who does that
  13. This post makes me giggle... I can't believe that people are that fixated on the stripes on a belt, where someone wont respect someone for it, or tell them to "get out of my life".
  14. You are right in that playing at striking will not work, but from my limited experience a lot of karate guys can never really strike full force as they could injure each other. The problem then is that you would never know if the strikes would work if you ever needed to use them. With my even more limited experience of BJJ, rolling with other guys is completely different. You don;t play, you really try your hardest to submit them, which is much harder than it looks and I honestly think that after a few years of training you would know that it would work as you are sparring against real resistance. That's just my opinion so karate guys cant really hit full force because they might injure? yet kickboxing, MT, sanshou and boxing do practice full force... how about the more likely answer is that most people here think they train in an effective art or manner and really don't. but nope, no one will admit it.
  15. I've just finished with Tang Soo do after reaching my goal of 1st Dan. Looking to do something a bit different and so for now have chosen BJJ. You are right when you say it is humbling rolling with those guys!!! Even the second belt takes like 2 years (Blue) and I'm amazed at the skill level and how they can wrap me up so easily. Then again I have no grappling skills at the moment. None of the guys I trained with, even 5th or 6th dans, would ever win against these blue belts as they are completely different. They also spend their time grappling and can't progress unless they have proved their skills. Whereas a lot of our time was spent doing forms etc. Although that is true and a very good point, I'd also imagine a blue belt wouldn't be able to strike very well or beat a 5th or 6th dan in a punching and kicking contest. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDLEBK5A8aw ^^ Unexpected turn of events here ^^ Judo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxb0PCBV0vk ^^ And everyone has seen this. This is what over inflated ranks with people following blindly leads to. lol
  16. titles do certainly go to peoples heads. personally, the term coach is fine to me, and i get a laugh when people sign papers calling themselves grandmaster or supreme sifu or great soke, whatever that title may be. nothing is more humbling than starting bjj, getting choked and tapped by white belts half your age. i dont care what style your'e in, what rank you have, i will respect it, as you've earned it. you may be a 25 year old 4th dan who only had to write a paper, or a 50 year old 5th dan who had to get his butt kicked for 8 hours, but whatever you did to earn your rank, you did it. saying you wont respect or wont bow to someone because of how old they are, well thats being condescending and disrespectful. your martial art and rank is not any more valid than anyone elses. if you think it is, go roll with a bjj practitioner or spar with a kickboxer. stay humble, and stay hungry.
  17. well, being yall are sport karate peeps, make sure yall watch Glory 13 his saturday! i think its on spike. Raymond daniels will be fighting, he won his last fight by a SWEET spinning hook kick knockout.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9HZ1-UVne8 this ^^^^ this can negate her front leg kick.
  19. seems like most of these people dont know the circuit and are trying to adapt their style to your son. its naska, where kicks are 2 points and theres a spead. 1) lack of blitzing 2) the kid in the red pants was stupid slow and was just putting her hand or her leg out to touch. not sure how the kids fight anymore, but the adults bang. does your kid have any adults he looks up to as a fighter? he should try to be more like the fighter he looks up to. i know its hard to do in NASKA since almost everyone just twirls batons and screams and does flips, though lol anyway, searched of ross levine, jack felton, cass sigmon... try to fight like them, equal amounts of hands and feet.
  20. i would buy a bigger boat and fish more. also buy a few new guns.
  21. taken up bjj, judo, kickboxing or some type of other combat sport as well... 15 years ago.
  22. i cant stand parents around the ring, especially when im judging. karate parents are worse than soccer moms and baseball moms. 1, just because you saw a point, doesnt mean the judge did. yelling at me will not help 2, if your kid did a sloppy form, it will reflect in his score. i dont care how perfect you thought it was 3, your kid got hit in the stomach, its not excessive force. he walked into a kick. do more sit ups, say a rosary and get over it. 4, youve been watching little johnny do this for 5 months, ive been doing this for 18 years. no, you do not know better than me. these are the top 4 reasons why i refuse to be an indentured servent... erm i mean judge anymore. most tournaments i go to now have a roped off area where if you dont have a competitor band or coaches band and you cross it, its a $50 fine. after one person gets slapped with it, everyone usually stops
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