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Nabil Kazama

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Everything posted by Nabil Kazama

  1. School: Shinto Martial Arts Town: Gillingham, South East UK Instructor: Tony Latter, 2nd Dan
  2. "You have a problem with that?" "No Sensei." "No mercy."
  3. Ah, team Kata. We have our competition in March the 9th. We'll be doing team Kata as well. My advice is ALWAYS follow the person in front, meaning go at HIS/HER speed even if you're quick. Same goes for the person in front, if you're good at a kata don't go at a speed which the other students can't follow. Consider each other and keep in mind that another student might not be as efficient as you. Me and my team will be doing Heian Yondan.
  4. I'm the same way, I was very nervous at first but don't worry, with time you'll become used to it. I was sparring today in fact it was fun.
  5. Interesting responses, I was told by someone else who I train with today that when we approach our black belts we will start adding full contact. So really Shotokan is Kyokushin's father and Goju-Ryu is the mother lol. That's how I think of these styles as one family of Karate.
  6. It seems there are people here who like talking about Shotokan and Kyokushin. What exactly are the differences? I know Kyokushin is full contact but I don't know much else. I had to give up Kyokushin due to having a job and it clashed with my Shotokan plus I didn't really like the training times. That said I explained to them why I had to quit and they were alright with it actually. Anyway I'm not a efficient fighter in Shotokan yet and am not very good at sparring let alone Kyokushin but having said that I will still keep their dojo in mind.
  7. This is why I think that both Shotokan and Kyokushin are very popular, not just in real life but in games too. Ryu from Street Fighter has a style that is supposedly based on Shotokan, Jin Kazama as you know is Kyokushin, there's a character from Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown called Jean Kujo who uses a mix of Kyokushin, Ashihara and Enshin. Hitomi from Dead of Alive has a father who taught her Kyokushin. It seems that they're either Shotokan or Kyokushin but yet you never see a character who uses Wado-Ryu, Isshin-ryu etc.
  8. Anyone here fans of the Tekken series? I have all Tekken games. Tekken 1-6 +Tag 1&2. I also have the CGI movie Tekken: Blood Vengeance which is a good movie but I get the feeling it's catered to girls. (NOT being sexist just watch it and you'll see) First game I played was Tekken 3 and in the arcade I always chose Jin, these games were on the PS1 which I only own Tekken 2 and 3. Although if you have a PS2, you can buy Tekken 5 and it includes Tekken 1, 2 and 3 but these are actual arcade ports. BTW here's a fun fact for you, did you know that from Tekken 4 onwards Jin learned a new style? As part of the storyline he gave up using Mishima-ryu Karate and actually started to use Kyokushin? In Tekken 4 you can unlock a Kata video of him doing Pinan Sono Yon which in Shotokan (Style I use) is actually Heian Yondan.
  9. I got graded to 5th Kyu purple belt now. We're going to have to learn Heian Godan next.
  10. Thanks dudes, BTW my class had been graded on Saturday. I couldn't go due to work but interestingly there's no purple belt in Shotokan? I didn't know, so I'm green now going to blue belt. The required kata we have to demonstrate is Heian Yondan. We do ALL our kata work the JKA way. NOT SKIF.
  11. I agree, it would be awesome if there was 1 form of Karate that has ALL of them! Shotokan, Kyokushin, Wado-Ryu, Goju Ryu etc all rolled into one
  12. Thanks for the welcome. I'm interested in the Kyokushin style of Karate, there's a Kyokushim place close to where I live. I did give it a trial but the timing wasn't great as I'm currently in Shotokan and the Kyokushin times clashed with it. I am still interested in Kyokushin just that I want to finish Shotokan first and THEN go on to another style.
  13. "To try something new is to explore your true potential." "Power.....Speed.......Range.....Priority, know and master all of your attacks!" "You must fight with your soul, not with your power!"
  14. My name's Nabil Kazama, I'm 24 years old and are currently practicing and studying the Shotokan-ryu style of Karate. I am from the UK and have had a keen interest in the Martial Arts my entire life. Finally in the year of 2010 I passed my driving test and finally started my journey into the world of Martial Arts. I also have Asperger's Syndrome. Well, I hope to fit in here and hope people can help me along the way. Osu.
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