Good for you that you want to take up Karate, and the style you picked to work out in is not that close to Shotokan. Shūkōkai is more of a ditransitive of Shito ryu, it has some unique looking ideas and basics, but its very solid style to study. However what you are doing right now is the smartest move, test the waters. Its not just the style of Karate that needs to click for you but the instructor as well. Keep that in mind and dont sign any contracts ext till you are comfortable and be smart about watching the different classes and seeing what they actually teach and how. Not going to lie, you are a big boy! but you A) should be able to find a gi that works out for you and Karate is made to be okay for all sizes, sexes ext. You will do well to train smart, watch your knees and back and keep working on stretching and strength in this area or jogging down the street will kill your knees and back!!!! Keep us posted on your progress, dont throw in the towel and remember to train smart, get a good club and work towards your training happy!