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Everything posted by Harkon72

  1. An Okinawa cut Gi, with shorter leg and sleeve looks better in my opinion to perform kata. I don't like a long jacket that sticks out like a the skirt of a cocktail dress, especially on a male kartateka. The sound of cotton is one thing, just don't look as if the Gi is too big for you.
  2. Having a calm and peaceful mind is the essence of Karate. With no relaxation there is no speed. With no focus there is no power.
  3. I was taught the Heian Kata many years ago, there's something about Tekki Shodan that I like but my all time favorite is Bassai Dai.
  4. My first Sensei called his style Shorinji Karatedo. I have not seen any Shorin Ryu Karate taught after that, it is quite rare in the UK. The Kata are not familiar to me either. It sounds quite interesting though, good luck.
  5. It has to bee 100% cotton for me, it absorbs moister quicker and keeps it's shape better. Never wash a belt though, they shrink unevenly and go out of shape.
  6. I would say Zanchin Kata is defiantly internal. There is more movement on the inside than is apparent in the external technique.
  7. You can contrast that with my club if you like. No direct debits. We pay £4.50 each lesson, you don't train, you don't pay. £10 a year for a licence, £20 per grading. I paid £30 for a 14oz Gi, my Sparring mitts and shin guards were £25. My instructor is 4th Dan and the best I have ever trained with.
  8. Knee problems are common in MA, one of the top instructors here in the UK has had double knee operations. One of our senior instructors, a 4th Dan is having his hip replaced in October. I doubt if it will keep him off the mat for long. I think returning to Shotokan might be a good idea, you have fair grounding in it and maybe a future with the right instructor.
  9. Our Dojo can be very warm, it is not very traditional compared to many. I wear a 14oz Gi, but it has been known that our Sensei will allow a T shirt to be worn in summer. Sensei always instructs us to drink plenty of water, but only on his word. YAME! is the most important command to halt technique as it could signal an emergency or serious injury. Our classes are in English, and Welsh, instruction to the higher grades is always in Japanese.
  10. I have a grading on Saturday for my 6th Kyu (Green Belt). Pinan shodan is the Kata for this grade. I could also be asked to perform pinan nidan and any two of the six ShioZuki that came in previous grades. I find the Pinan Kata to be the spirit of the Karate style, whatever school teaches it.
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