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Everything posted by Harkon72

  1. Thank you for the welcome, I'm enjoying the forum very much already. Osu!
  2. Goju Ryu is an excellent style, traditional and true. Get it from a good instructor with good linage and you can't go wrong.
  3. A one hit KO is possible, you could hit him right on the button. My preference is the ABC approach; attack by combination until the opponent is still.
  4. Hi Doctor, Is Kushanku also called Kanku Dai? If so there should be a Kanku Sho as well.
  5. Skipping grades happens rarely in my style. Only when a student earns 4 A grades out of 6 sections in a grading. It usually happens with outstanding junior grades. The next grading they take is really tough, because they must learn ALL the syllabus for the belt and the one they skipped.
  6. This is a good thread guys! Mixed Martial arts is just that. The cliche is that it should be Muay Thai and BJJ. But any standing and ground training that will give you a chance in the cage is valid. The point that you must be a fighter to teach it is a good one. MMA has been guilty of merging and corrupting traditional styles, but each to their own.
  7. Some styles of Freestyle have no Kata at all. It's all combinations and Kumite. They use the semi-contact style of fighting or light continuous sparing. Lau Gar is an example of such a style, some couple the training with kung fu sets, some don't.
  8. For me it's Sochin Kata and Bassai Dai. The first is where the movement is mostly internal, the second is where you need to give it all you've got to storm that fortress.
  9. I'm a fan of finger strikes, Bil Gee as they call them in Wing Chun. The best training for them is finger point press ups.
  10. I totally agree, we have a local McDojo in town. Expensive and cheap. Our club seems to take disappointed students from them, and they look very nervous when they are asked to demonstrate what they have learned.
  11. Da iawn Diolch. I study Shito Ryu and Shukokai Karate. Also Shorin Ryu Kobudo. I have a Nidan in Shorinji Karate, a 3rd Kyu in Shotokan and a my present grade is 6th Kyu in Shukokai Karate. I have also studied Wing Chun and Qi Gong. I started my training 26 years ago. My wife also studies Karate with me. My present Sensei is Sensei Williams 4th Dan.
  12. Diolch yn fawr iawn! Pob Hwyl, Gareth.
  13. I agree with both these points. Thanks for starting this post, it's an interesting topic.
  14. My Name is Gareth, from North Wales. I'm looking forward to chatting on the forum and sharing with everyone.
  15. Thanks Guys, these posts have answered a question I was struggling with over the last 6 months. I am a Nidan in Shorinji Karate, I am now on my way to a second Dan grade in a new style. I feel better about it now.
  16. Calmness of Mind, Firmness of Body and Freedom of Spirit.
  17. I'm learning the Pinan Kata for Shukokai at the moment, but due to work shifts i can't train every week. I will train every month with the Udansha of the Association. When my shift changes I will go back to training every week. It's a challenge to match your grade with the hours you put in and returning to a class after a break is difficult. Good Luck, I hope things go well.
  18. I was told that Dai means Major and Sho means Minor. So they are greater and lesser versions of the same Kata.
  19. My 15 years of studying Shorin Ryu is very valuable to me. I am proud of my Nidan and all the experience I have. My classes with the Shukokai Sensei are interesting and he respects me. I pass on my knowledge to his Dan grades all the time. Thank you for your vote of confidence. Osu!!
  20. I agree, the mystical Dim Mak is a legend nothing more. Pressure points work very well though.
  21. I don't see it like that, I was awarded my Nidan in 2000, finished training in Shorinji Karate in 2004. I only started again in 2012, this time in Shito Ryu and Shukokai Karate. I believe if you don't train in a style anymore you can't hold the grade or wear the belt. I'm a proud 6th Kyu green belt in Shukokai now. I have 25 years of experience in three Karate Styles, Kobudo and Wing Chun Kung Fu. I am respected by my Sensei as a Martial artist, but I enjoy my beginner mind.
  22. Unfortunately many sensei only teach the bear minimum of Bunkai. This is whether thy know more or not. I'm very lucky, my Sensei is an open book with thirty years of experience.
  23. Cowboys??? I know of a 7th Dan so called Master who failed his shodan grading and then proclaimed himself to be a 2nd Dan a few years later. He has an international following, but his grade is not valid. I say good luck to him if people are easily fooled and ready to part with their money.
  24. True, a strong governing body with a continuity of style gives them a more consistent base for rules and dress throughout the world. Judo has the same advantage.
  25. You are always vulnerable when you have your knee higher than your hip. If you commit to a jodan kick, make sure your opponent is on the back foot or they will close the gap and take you down. Being of an age older than 30, my flexibility is not what it was, but experience should help me with timing my attack.
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