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Everything posted by Tschirnhaus

  1. Hello, I've been researching both available schools for martial arts in (or near) Providence, RI, and different forms of martial arts. I took some kenpo a while back (learned Americanized martial arts/karate isn't really for me), and now I want to start out again on a form of martial arts. My motivation is primarily self-defense, but I'm also motivated by training my endurance and strength. I am interested in internal martial arts. I found a school near my house that offers Xingyiquan, Baguazhang, T'ai chi, Shaolin Kung Fu, and Modern Wushu. The instructor is Master Wen-Ching Wu. I am considering taking Xingyiquan and/or Baguazhang when I get back to RI in September. The website for this school is: http://www.waydragon.com/ If anyone can give me advice/recommendations both on which martial art I should consider taking and why, and about the quality of this school (I'm not back home to go there personally). I've searched for a school that teaches Wing Chun near my area, but had no luck. Does anyone know of good schools in RI? Any help will be appreciated. Is it smart to take more than one class at a time? Say, if I took Xingyiquan and Baguazhang?
  2. Greetings! I signed up for this forum because I am seeking advice about weight training (see this thread: http://www.karateforums.com/weighted-clothes-weight-training-vt43244.html ) I am a university student, and I will be turning 22 this summer. I study philosophy and literature (double-major) although my interests are wide-ranged with most intellectual subjects (i.e. mathematics, religious studies, history, physics, astronomy, classics, etc.). I plan on going to graduate school to get my Ph. D. in philosophy, focusing on early modern philosophy (particularly Spinoza and Leibniz). I am very interested in older Chinese culture (due to Leibniz, who was an expert in chinese culture, I also am fond of the Daodejing, and have committed the opening lines to memory in the original Chinese.) I while back I trained in Kenpo for a couple of years, and am seriously considering going back into a martial art. I live in Providence, RI. Perhaps someone here could recommend a form that would fit me to study. I enjoy the discipline and personal meditative qualities of martial arts, and the whole martial arts culture emphasizes a healthy lifestyle in both mind and body. I would really like to train my own self-defense, my speed, stamina, and especially my endurance. As a serious full-time student, I don't have all the time in the world. However, I just might be able to fit in a martial art training. I seriously considered jiu-jitsu, since I love using my kicks. I would really prefer a martial art that is old. The principles that founded a martial art is of importance to me. Anyway, that's me.
  3. Hello, I am going to be doing quite a bit of body training/working out & also running when I get back home after the summer. I would like to have some info. about weighted clothing/weight training. I've done some research/shopping and these items can be quite pricy. I assume that some of you who have trained in martial arts have worked with such equipment. I'd like to know which work the best, and are worth using, and which I should look into buying. Ankle weights and wrist weights are a start, maybe also a weighted vest? I am considering training by running up & down the steepest hill in town with a weighted vest. Are there any shoes/boots that are weighted? Thank you!
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