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Open minded

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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Karate, judo, jujitsu, ninjisu, wing chun kung fu, JKD, MMA, Aikido, Boxing, Kick Boxing, street fighting, tai chi
  • Location
  • Interests
    Martial Arts
  • Occupation

Open minded's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. never done krav maga Done MMA and teach JKD Know Krav maga is taught in military I was in the british army myself Royal enginneers a sparky MMA is different to Krav Maga but there is no clear winner I say they are both as good as each other
  2. Yeh your probable right the reason said that coz tai chi is relaxing but i get what your saying doing a MA straight after another MA with different principles especially in one day it would be counter productive but when I was younger I practiced about 6 MA in one day and it wasn't always the best thing to do. Now I do one MA a day if i get the time to practice
  3. I was very flexible when I was young well now don't ask I still practice flexibility though
  4. Get professional lessons of course they cost money and that don't fall of trees just get a nice little job you might have a job already and save up
  5. Never done it Would it be effective or is it only good in films?
  6. Am I going colur blind the colour of the belt under my name looks orange and they it's a yellow belt, Am I actually going colour blind?
  7. Good Boxer= Frank Bruno= Millionnaire Good Puncher= More secure on a Friday night out without being too drunk lol I'd rather be a good boxer as a millionnaire but ended up a sparky oh well still do well for myself
  8. Judo good for wresting as they are both grappling sports and throwing sports
  9. The best one in my opinion very good MA Fluid and sensitivity Chi sao blindforded is a incredible skill- Done it alot of times Sparring in Wing chun is dangerous and very quick like a blind of a eye
  10. Learning weapons is easier surprisingly than open handed well I found it easier
  11. Answer your question earlier I mean a linear punch or any form of attack you can still release powerful energy of it
  12. Tell me something have you ever done chi technique like the unbendable arm chi is there of course you have a point you still need stance, positioning and technique ect
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