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Everything posted by DoctorQui

  1. OP, if you go to the club with the intention of wearing a white belt and starting again, then this humble approach may pay off. I moved from Wado Ryu to Shotokan and turned up in a white belt. After the first lesson, Sensei saw that I had experience asked the question and told me I could keep my rank as I had clearly earned it (his words) and that I could pick up the style differences in retrospect. Always be humble, don't go in with any expectation of special treatment.
  2. Ha...no pain no gain! Fortunately I just did my 6th Dojo tonite since the holidays so I'm pretty much ok now!
  3. Exactly, although it did give me a dose of RLS last nite so not much sleep!
  4. Boy am I hurting!!
  5. Mahoosive congrats on the Pass! It seems like a lot of us are making that step this December.
  6. I think that's very admirable!
  7. It took me 27 years so I know how you feel. A very well done to you.
  8. Congratulations! Its a good feeling isn't it!
  9. Congratulations! It all starts here, enjoy the rest of your training.
  10. I got to brown belt in Wado and changed to Shotokan when I moved area and couldn't find a club. I found them pretty similar to be honest! Subtle differences in kata and Shuto Uke is executed differently along with Uchi and Soto Uke being opposite to one another. Wado also doesn't use marking hands nor does it change hands during Ren techniques.
  11. Had my first training session as a Dan grade last night! I felt no different but it was nice to now respond to the order 'Dan grades...fall in!'
  12. Yondan! It was the Kata I was most afraid of and took the longest to get right and now I'm in love with it, such a dynamic kata.
  13. Well done, the beginning a great journey! I will never forget my first grading, I almost passed out through holding my breath during kata!
  14. Accomplished! Now I need to sleep lol Thanks for all your replies guys
  15. Sun 15 December Started in 1987 with Goju Ryu and got to 3rd Kyu in 1993, moved area and couldn't find another club so had a 15 year hiatus, started Wado Ryu in 2007 and got to 2nd Kyu, then moved again, couldn't find a Wado club so changed styles again in 2011 to Shotokan. Its been a long old haul but the end of the tunnel is fast approaching!
  16. All Karate including Shotokan is taught at a level where you drill in prescribed attacks and defences! However, no martial art can teach YOU how to apply it in a way that suits you. Its all part of your own personal training plan, you have to take some responsibility in practising what works for you and what doesn't. During sparring, using textbook technique would result in defeat, but using muscle memory and your own practiced and adapted technique would not. I have a few 'signature' moves, one of which is very hard to defend against (no its not crane technique lol) but that particular move is an amalgam of 3 textbook techniques adapted to suit.
  17. This driving me mad! My Gi's have turned yellow, around the collar and down the lapels, across the top of the back and shoulders and in the arm pits! I cannot get it out! I've washed them about 3 times now and they look the same as before I even attempted to wash them! Last night, I left them soaking all night in a tepid bath of a solution of white vinegar, oxy and soap flakes. When I took them out I applied stain remover to all the affected areas and added more oxy to the wash! I don't want to use bleach because I have read they it can weaken the fabric! After the third wash there is no change! Has anyone experienced this and is there a solution. I cannot afford a new Gi right now but the ones I have are embarrassing! Help!
  18. I think this is a very solid post! I would expand to say that not only are blocks in a sense, a strike, but they are also tools in setting up your opponent to exact maximum counter techniques eg, opening up the sternum, kidney or floating rib area! For me, the most unrealistic block is Age Uki, I don't think I have ever used it in sparring and it doesn't seem to do a lot! As others have also said, particularly in styles like Shotokan, long deliberate blocking (and striking) techniques are there for training purposes only, you would never be expected to use a full training technique while sparring!
  19. I've studied both and both have their merits! I studied Wado first and am glad that I did. I looked at Aikido when I felt I had a firm understanding in MA as well as learning Aikido basics while training as a police officer! Wado and Aikido are poles apart and when studying them they complement each other only very indirectly! I think it largely depends on your age as well! Karate has an extremely diverse age and ability range! Aikido (well, the two clubs I have attended anyway!) seems to be dominated by 60 + year olds who have trained for decades! There is nothing wrong with either demographic but still important to consider imo!
  20. Tactical retreating is vital imo, but being in perpetual retreat is to be avoided! Of course, only a fool continues to advance if a strong maegeri is on its way to your abdomen but in training not to retreat, you will develop and heighten your abilities to block and counter! My own style is to bounce about on the balls of my feet, that way you can dart around and duck and dive as is required! Being rooted to the floor and advancing has its drawbacks!
  21. I can relate to this! I am doing my Shodan in the next couple of months and I have been training 4/5 Dojo nights per week as well as practising at home and constantly doing Kata in my head when I cant do it physically! The amount of work I am putting in compared to others who may be taking their Shodan shows because they are doing the bare minimum my Sensei requires in order to grade.
  22. I think you make a very valid point here! I couldn't agree more!
  23. For me, Kihon Kata can be applied to more than simply Zenkuts, Gedan and Oizuki! You could use Kihon but use, Age uke and gayakuzuki or Shuto, nukite and kokuts or any number of techniques, empi uke and mae mawashi empi uchi is one of my favourites! I have practised kihon as shown in the video and it is useful but the applications are numerous and should never imo be used exclusively against a kick only!
  24. You got all that from the OP ! OP, train as much as you possibly can! If three hours dojo time is all you can muster then make sure you practice at home!
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