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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Go-kan-Ryu Karate-Do
  • Location
    Canberra, Australia
  • Occupation
    Sales assistant

BarbedTerror's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. What do you believe to be the best material for nunchaku? I've heard many bad things about foam, that they don't feel like real nunchaku, they're too light ect. But what about rubber, wood and metal? I was considering metal, although haven't heard alot about metal nunchaku. Are they any good?
  2. How practical are the nunchaku? Do you believe they are worth learning?
  3. You can't, the belt colour is based upon how many posts you have created.
  4. I am entering a tournament in 4 weeks. Should I change my diet in any way? Would it assist me at all?
  5. Each class I attend is $10. I train 3 times per week. It works out to about $130 per month. How much does you karate, or any other martial art training cost?
  6. I am a 7th Kyu (Ho) and am currently participating in tournament training. How long should I train with the tournament squad before entering?
  7. It is possible she be anywhere from 6-8, it was a rough guess.
  8. Thanks Tallgeese, oh and by the way, it is "she" The fact that they charge us for gradings I believe is partly due to paying for the rent of the dojo, and our belts we can get cheaper if we go to a store and buy it for example, rather then purchasing it through the club. We did however have to purchase our own gi, it was $40 through the club, I'm sure they're cheaper else where but it's simply convinient purchasing it through the club.
  9. GKR stands for Go-Kan-Ryu. It is a style of karate founded by Kancho Robert Sullivan. It is a mix of Shotokan and Goju-Ryu I think
  10. I personally don't like to bounce, yet to tend to move around and shift my wieght quite alot. Bouncing does waste energy, as you find yourself unable to continue very soon into the fight
  11. I've only just started training with Go-Kan-Ryu 4 months ago and have quickly learnt that they never fail a karate-ka at a grading. For example, at my last grading a 6 year old girl was going for her 5th Kyu. She could not even perform the most basic, first kata that all white belts are taught, yet she still passed. Of course our the instructors don't send you to a grading if you're not capable but this obviously isn't always the case. What are you opinions on this?
  12. To join the club it is $110 Each class you attend will set you back $10 Gradings are $40 The belt usually $10 You can buy pre-paid pack where for example, you would pay $360 and get unlimited training for 6 months (Disapointing thing is tournament training doesn't accept prepaid, so you need to pay more on top of that to train for tournaments) You get discounts if more then one member of your family trains with you
  13. And yes, Kancho Robert Sullivan founded the style. I have never seen him spar but gosh, he doesn't seem to put muc effort in in this video. I guess it could be left up to his age and the fact that he has had numerous surgical proccedures due to the cancer he had
  14. I most certainly have done many searches on the style GKR. Go-Kan-Ryu does participte in many tournaments worldwide and does have contact with other styles within these tournaments. GKR, I believe, does have a good reputation within these tournaments. I do however wonder whether or not this is because many of the judges are from GKR.. I've heard of an incident where my boyfriends brother was competing against a GKR karate-ka, the GKR student had lost yet complained to his dad (Whose sister was judging) and then had the scores changed. I'm not sure how much this has been exagerated but to me it sounds as though GKR should only compete within it's own style
  15. I agree, the standard of gradings/exams is very poor in many styles. In my style, no one ever fails unless they display a poor amount of enthusiasim or progress, even then, everyone passes. I once saw a 6 year old girl, who was very undeserving of her blue belt. (5th kyu) As she could not even complete first kata! (Taigyoko Shodan)
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