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  • Martial Art(s)
    Tkd,jujitsu,kung fu,judo,little akidio

TKDMASTER's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Toughman is pretty wimpy. Its just boxing.
  2. i agree Withers. The better puncher does not allways win,for your foot can seek out thngs that your hand cant. You should practice using them in harmony. The foot seeking those things below,while the hand seeks them things above. One is not more important than the other. I still say 50/50.
  3. Whoa, this is not good for your body. I would stay with cardio and start lifting weights and eating plenty of proteins. Remeber,you want to gain the right kind of weight.
  4. Kyle-San said-Indeed. Seven is an excellent film. Hmmmmmmm, got to disagree. Of course its personal preference,so this is not an insult. But everybody that saw that movie thought it was awful
  5. I go two times a week right now. BUt, I am just about to start going three. I work out five times a week on cardio and weights. I also incorporate grappling. I work out on off days. I need to start stretching more. Does anybody got any tips beside the regular stuff. I mean on the chinese, I got the american both ways. P.S. I am very close to it,just trying to get that last three inches.
  6. I agree, I think a good 50/50 si the way to go. Dont limit yourself to on capability. I work on my kicsk as much as my punches.
  7. BlueDragon? Come on thats just like saying if a guy is being beat to death dont help him cause later on he will probally get beat again. I will support our troops and america till the end. This is a liberation war and it is our duty to help. By the way,we gave saddam a chance,he laughed at the un,but he is not laughing now i guarentee it!!!!the un is a joke,is has proven that it wont enforce its own rules. By the way,who gave the money to Osame? If you said Saddam,you are right. We dont get this guy right now he is going to send some nuclears our way. He is just waiting for a chance. All them protestors make me sick, i agree with whoever said that we should ship them back to iraq and let them know how it feels. By the way,they ssay they want peace,yet most of their protest are very violent. I forget,but their were a ton of arrest. If their blocking my street and im in my car,they might want to think twice.lol. Also did you hear about them getting mad at the policeman sporting bandannas with american flags on them. They said it was insulting to them.well if its insulting to them,I tell them to get their sorry rears and get out this country. I also respect Tony Blair for realizing how dangerous Saddam was if left unatended to. Go Get Them America!!!!!!
  8. I like snap neck,the hook kick in sparring. I also love the roundhouse. I also love pulling off the kneebar.
  9. Strength does matter,size doesnt. Yet,quickness can make up for strength.I have allways tried to stay decently strong(250 lb bench press) but stay as quick as i could possibly get. strength can matter in grappling as far as getting keylocks and shoulder locks etc......... But i seem to remember a guy named Gracie who had superb technique,which made up for strength. Just try to stay in good shape and you will be fine.
  10. Kenpo i wasnt talking bout real fights here. This was for tournement application. In a real fight, i agree,it does leave the groin open.But the thing is if u hit them ,its not powerfull enough to put them out.If i throw a highkick in a real fight,its gonna be back leg cause you can get your momentum into them.
  11. Martial arts are about respect. I always curios about martial arts. I remember when i was young watching movies,I thought if u took ma then u must be invincible. I also thought it wouldnt be that hard,boy was i wrong. If your school dont teach u how u should use it,then theres something wrong. If you dont work at ma then you will be just another wimp with false security.(I admit there are some guys that r tough without taking ma) Im not saying be a wimp and run,cause im a big believer in not backing down.Just dont be the instigater.
  12. I take tkd and i love it. Its all in what your looking for. I also study bjj intensely. I think its good for a person to be well rounded.If your looking for point tournes,then make sure its a olympic one and not traditional. They will deal with point sparring a lot more.
  13. There is proof that Bruce is great. But i dont want to get in a argument. But i would like somebody to tell me where i could get videos of norris and wallace in the old days.
  14. Kensai, you are very igonarant. You evidently dont believe in anything. I defiantly dont believe in akidio,but i dont disrespect it. By the way ,when you die He will take it up with you. I dont mean to force this upon anybody and i never tried to force upon anybody. If im not mistaken we were asked what we believe as far as religion and martial arts.I stated my opinion without getting angry.I dont mind discussing something in a machure manner,but you seem to be getting a little angry.(which is scaring nobody) Martial artist should be able to discuss stuff without getting mad.I dont mind if they get zealous,just dont get angry. Well,im bowing out of this conversation,cause yall do seem to be getting mad. That was not my intent,but i will not apoligize for the things in which i said. I will be happy to discuss it in a machure manner some time. I would like to hear why you believe what you do,and i will be happy to tell you why i believe what i do. adios
  15. First of all,i think their equal in importance also. But , lets look at some things a bunch a people dont look at. A striker in UFC cannot grab groin,fishhook or eyepoke.Now all these things are to the strikers advantage. Most strikers will practice this stuff a lot more than the grapler will,therefore being able to act faster. Dont get me wrong,Ive studied grappling arts(my fav is bjj)and you def need them. I would still have to say it comes down to the person in a striker vs grappler match. MOVE LIKE WIND, STRIKE LIKE THUNDER!!!
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