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Everything posted by ChrisHigashi

  1. After trying and testing 7-8 karate gis, My favourite has to be the Arawaza crystal and the shureido-new wave 3 Both a fantastic gi (the Arawaza is a slimmer fit and is more suited to a slender karate-ka) Big difference in price the NW3 is expensive but well worth it. Arawaza crystal is a fantastic choice though. Order a half size up from your usual if possible
  2. Im sure you could befriend a japanese distributor but generally, they are such high price because of import and custom charges which you can't bypass
  3. Hey! Trying to get a bit of information and market research as I'm in the process of designing a karate gi. We're focusing on the manufacturing components of the gi but other than the overall build, what would you want from a gi? would you ideally want; ventilation? crisp 100% cotton euro or japan cut? realistically, what would you want from a gi? We wouldn't be focusing on a WKF approved gi (at the moment) as there are a lot of companies already doing great things. We're trying to create your ideal 'every day' gi that offers that little bit extra. thanks! -Chris
  4. As they come in different styles, and fittings, probably no go is the same. I always go for a japan cut/kata cut heavy weight but a brand that is quite 'slim' the shureido new wave three and Arawaza crystal would definitely be top of my list.
  5. The best Gis I've ever owned are; Arawaza crystal (perfect for kata) a slim gi, no wide legs or arms, crisp and at. 12oz, you get a lovely crisp gi. My current gi, shureido new wave 3 is definitely the best gi I've had and seen. 5stars all round. Gis I would also recommend: KO kata professionale Kaze Tokaido heavyweights are lovely And Adidas have some great wkf approved gis
  6. The kumite one is ok. Slightly heavier than the usual kumite gi and I'd say it's worth a purchase. Never buy the kata/japan cut though. Worst ki I've ever owned. Not nice at all.
  7. Wado! Under higashi karate kai
  8. All I've ever had is a broken nose from doing 'light sparring' with a lower kyu grade. Only because the control wasn't there and there was no face contact allowed... Crap happens though. You don't have to be in a class for bumps and breaks. Other than the usual bumps, I've had a hip year from repetitive movements but again, I've got weak hips since childhood. A lot of older instructors get joint issues but training has moved away from The old brutal stuff, probably because people now understand the negative effects it has on the body. Safe to say, karate is safe if you're in a good, controlled environment.
  9. I didn't mind a light gi.... wore them for years as i was going up in the kyu grades.. then i got to 4th kyu (purple belt) and now i'll never wear a light weight go for anything other than competition kumite. swear by a heavy weight.
  10. Where I train, we use japanese and english terms. Our instructor calls out the japanese term then follows it with the english if there are lower kyu grades. if its purple belt (4th kyu) + its mostly just the japanese terms
  11. Higashi Karate kai Afan Valley, South Wales, UK Alan & JUne Prosser (4th Dan)
  12. Higashi Karate kai
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