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Everything posted by GoldDragon

  1. Hey all ---- I got this poem in my email from a special friend and I thought I would share this: Fireball in the sky Planes Crash into the top floors Terrorists to blame I saw all the scenes It seemed like watching a movie Terrorism strikes Pentagon was hit Country's worried, lives were lost Palastine will cheer I try not to watcy Morbid scenes run through my head Several lost loved ones Tragedy hit home Worst attack since Pearl Harbor Won't the fighting end? Mourn the victims deaths Shine a light for their lost souls Show them the way home Flags fly at half mast Pray for those who lost their lives Comfort those who weep Tragedy struck hard Cell phones save the lives of some Others lost that luck. _____________________________________________ Twins: This is the story Of two twin brothers Standing side by side For nearly three decades. Out of nowhere, A great winged bullet Shot through the heart Of the first twin brother. A second winged bullet Hit the second brother, Slashing his arm, The wound bursting with blood All around them, People rained from the sky Their wounds were seeping With dark charcoal blood Weakened and fatigue, The second brother fell; Shortly after, His twin followed. The brothers have died After nearly three decades; They had servedc New York Through the full of their lives. The twins of New York Were killed by terrorists; Their friend in D.C. Had been severely wounded. These attacks were terrible, Immoral and cowardly, Yet may all who died Rest forever peacefully. Thx
  2. lol just a lil' reminder: Fighting or acting up in any unnessary way can cause a vote against ya.. So think before you type Thx!!!
  3. KSN---- I Study my KungFu and Kickboxing Skills on Franklin Avenue in Harford,
  4. Congrats ) You worked hard and you earned it
  5. Welcome Ksn DOUG to the most outstanding board ever created
  6. Welcome Survivors!!!! Thank you for your intrest in those who are willing to play and be the KarateForum.com Survivor. I want to thank Partick for this great idea and I hope it goes out for a while. This is Survivor: OUTLAST --- OUTWIT---- OUTPLAY!!!! ----------------------------------------------- Challenges will be set either in quizes, hard scambled Words,or other ideas by the Private Messages that you wish to set off in this Survivor Outake. The Challenges will begin shortly: So please stand by and give me Ideas and I will see what I can do. Thanks and lets see if you can be the KarateForums.com Survior.
  7. Hers it is......... I thought of a great one: Just put em in a cell and let him rot there. Its slow, painful, and self torture:)
  8. Ladies and Gentlemen... Welcome back to the TKD Section! This is my last quiz for a while cause RushMan has some up his sleeve and I want him to have fun as well. This quiz will not be long till the deadline meets it. Same rules apply since the first and second one that was open. Once again, this is for fun amd is moderated by Rushman.. The deadline for this one will be November28th. Good Luck and see ya'll soon in the future Quiz postings...... ------------------------------------------------------ 1. What is the second last pattern in Taekwon-Do? Se-Jong So-san Ul-Ji Ton-Il 2. Who among the following was not a member of the "Kukki Taekwon-Do Goodwill Demonstration Team" in the 1960s? Kim Jong Phil Han Cha Kyo Park Jong Soo Kim Joong Keun 3. Which of the following is usually not a target of a turning punch? Solar plexus Philtrum Abdomen Upper back 4. When was Taekwon-Do introduced to DPR Korea? early 1960s early 1970s early 1980s early 1990s 5. How many moves are there in pattern Yoo-Sin? 38 48 58 68 6. Front snap kick can be performed with the following attacking tools except: Ball of the foot Foot sword Knee Instep 7. Which country is referred to as the second home of Taekwon-Do? United Kingdom The United States Malaysia Japan 8. "The advantage of this stance is the ability to kick or adjust the distance from an opponent with the front foot without any shifting of body weight." This stance refers to: L-stance Rear foot stance Bending stance Fixed stance 9. Which of the following is the Korean term for the tenet of Perseverance? Guk Gi Yom Chi In Nae Ye Ui 10. Whom did General Choi learn the Korean art Taek Kyon from? Master Yoong Byung In Master Lee Won Kuk Master Han Il Dong Master Lee Nam Suk
  9. heeheh
  10. oh man---what a blow from the Diamondbacks...l Ouch--- Oh well, the NY YANKEES are still the champions to me
  11. nope not at all was just posting....heheh but I do agree on what you said tho
  12. no problem...its the way it was and still is.
  13. WOw....what a sad game for the Yanks
  14. I believe his toughest fight was people making fun of him cause he was Chinese and his girl (Linda) was American. If you think about it...thats still hapening today. People laughing at us, pointing fingers just cause we are differnt..Either be Culture, color, height, or, weight. Bruce Lee didnt give up tho. HE cared less. He was determined to be with Linda and he did one heck of a job. To me...thats his TOUGHEST fight. Thx
  15. heheh Those old MA films were like "The Matrix" back then. They were jumping over houses and jumping up trees, or jumping off cliffs fighting. In my home (in the mall) we have a store where they carry ALL of the old MA Flicks. I was like, "WOW...this sounds good", but I never buy it......lol
  16. Hey Rushman-------- I have one more quiz then I will let you go 4 it ok. Sorry to keep ya waiting bud....I didnt know
  17. Welcome to the Board Lil' nunchuku dude
  18. lol cool LArs
  19. oh ok, I understand now Thanks bud
  20. I agree PAtrick--simply Amazing! I must of jumped on my couch and screamed so many times my dog was getting scared of me......lol Awesome Job Yanks!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. heheh..... I miss this old MA movies. I would go to Blockbuster and rent them but I am so up to date in the year 2001 -----rofl
  22. lol its ok Sub. Fighter--- Part 3 is coming soon so you can try there......lol
  23. HEy JAck, thanks for your pics.,. NIce pic to go with the posting
  24. I might not be a girl KickChick but I also pray it grows as well.
  25. I agree with you hon..Everyone is great in their own way
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