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  • Martial Art(s)
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    Sampa City

tenkamusou's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. Matsumura Kata, and Matsumura Bassai is another... PAL, I´ve seen a video of matsumura Bassai, and it´s nothing like bassai dai.... but thanx for the answers...
  2. hi... if anyone can send me the descriptions of this kata i´d apreciate... or knows any web site that has it! I just watched Yoshihide Shinzato ( 10o. Dan in shorin ryu, the only 10o.dan here in Brazil ) doing them... and boy... that was amazing... so I´m tryin to learn them now! thanx!
  3. HI... I just sawa documentary about MA in the people & arts channel, and I saw this Goju Ryu sensei named Masaaki Ikemiyagi, MAN! WAS I IMPRESSED!? So, I just wanted to know if anyone here knows him or practiced w/, that could tell me something about him and his training! Thanx
  4. well, in the style of shito ryu that I practice, Minami Hankyo Shito-Ryu, it´s mostly motodachi, neko ashi, and shiko dachi... the feet movement when u walk in shorin are in a straight line, in shito as in shoto and goju, you walk doing a circular movement with your feet... The timing of the kata is probably as fast as shorin ones... hope I helped...
  5. I don´t think so... never heard of shinto ryu though
  6. Harleyt26, the sensei said he learnt it from shito-ryu, and from wut I saw in a shitokai website once, is was exactly the same, and I´m pretty sure that is named sochin....
  7. Hi, i´d like to know if anyone has the kata description or video to download or watch on the net of Sochin, cause I was learning, but the guy who knew the kata went to another state... and I was really lovin the kata... so I´d apreciate if anyone could help me... THANK YOU! Btw... I´ve watched Shoto version, and they don´t look alike at all! See ya
  8. hello... don't worry about katas... it's hard to get them at start... u'll get use to it... just keep in mind, that you're starting this... and kata isn't supposed to be learnt the easy, then, that would be foolish to dedicate to one two katas a year, a month or a lifetime as masters used to do... just relax and have fun... and about the dirty looks.. don't mind... they don't know you... that is normal in a dojo.. people will try to analize you... my sensei said to me when i first started: altought there'll be a lot of guys training, your training will be w/ yourself.. don't mind others.... good look and have fun
  9. q bom kra... tá treinando como os primórdios... e não se preocupe com os katas.. em saber mtos deles, e saber todos perfeitos... é bom treinar bem a técnica, do soco, do chute.. das defesas.... treinar as bases... daí depois c dedicar aos katas e suas aplicações.. pq vc sabendo o básico tudo fica mais fácil... pelo menos é a minha opinião... e não se eskeça... Have fun... always...
  10. q beleza.. cada vez mais brazucas aki no forum... vc treina aonde véi?
  11. I don't remember where.. but i once saw an article sayin that the bulls the oyama fighted were all sick or very old... and I don't wanna say that I don't respect Kyokushin or that oyama weren't that good of a fighter, but, I do sense some fake on him... some "show bussiness" on his karete.. and there are a lot of rumors, little facts... And I don't think that fightin animals means anythin, cause they don't fight back, they only use their instinct, there's no strategy, like that kyokushin dude that "fighted"w/ a bear... ridiculous...
  12. http://crane.50megs.com/index6w.htm please give it a thought too... thanx
  13. thanx a lot WolverineGuy! I'll do that! I always eat chicken or steak but only at lunch... I'll ask my parents to buy some fish tomorrow, I'm not a big fish fan ehehehhe but we'll see what happends... thanx a lot see ya
  14. http://www.geocities.com/faixa_preta/ it has wut you're looking for
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