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Shorin Ryu Matsumura Seito/ Kenshin Kan/ of Grandmaster Fusei Kise/
chrisw08's Achievements

Orange Belt (3/10)
I've done more martial arts before but here lately I'm just into fitness I'm cutting down on my drinking dieting trying to get in good health do pushups pullups and walk with Zombies Run until I'm light enough to run good. the main reason is to feel good but also 1 day plan on doing martial arts again or when I can afford a heavy bag I have bipolar and autism so the exercise helps with that increase blood flow dopamine all that. so the point of this forum is my girlfriend was going to buy me a elevation mask for walking until I can run and all that one of the other main reasons I want it is because I have a little bit of a breathing problem not asma that I know of but I can throw a fury of punches and kicks hard and quick and I'm gasping for breath. they claim that this productstrengthen your lungs increasing breath and take in control of breathing which increases performance and health. They say the more oxygen your body gets the more muscle is activated they say that this product forcing you to breathe harder will strengthen your lungs and increase blood flow to your brain helping with mental illness it sounded like a good deal until I researched if it actually worked online and pretty much everything I found said it was not increasing performance or useful for anything even though I've seen plenty of videos with MMA users using it and other athletes they say the claims are all fake and it doesn't increase your lungs or help at all. others say it only works if you or a hard-core athlete and need an edge but I just want to walk and increase the difficulty I want to walk an hour start off on 3 thousand feet and work my way up to 14000 so I don't have to wear my joints out but I'm increasing the work out of my body strengthening lungs and helping with my mental issues I want to run it 1 day but I just wanna work my way up to walking for an hour at the max i think 14000 feet. I figure if 3000 is hard and I walk with it and can barely breathe and work my way up to 14000 and could do it efficiently for an hour I would be getting a good workout have strong breath in really good health can someone please tell me if this will help increase my breath and endurance if I'm not in that good of shape help with my overall health and mental issues getting more oxygen to the brain and breathing better. or does this product really not work like it supposed to
Well thank you, i seen your shorin ryu is that the mma style you used. Im a green belt in kenshinkan shorin ryu okinawan and kubudo. Did you use power based strikes in your fight at long stance or shorter stance with quick sttikes. I like the concept of the slow power and being tactical to not get hit instead of just getting in there and fighting but im afraid that i wont have fast enough feet work get rushed and get caught up trying to evade while im getting beat up
Im 5 8 would idealy weight 160 to 170 with alot of muscle based on bodyweight training. My signiture workout pullups with weight vest for extreme power. My hands are small but im fast at punching and my feet are bigger 11 half wide size but my feet and knees are naturaly at 45 so when i stand straight my feet naturaly curve at 45 when standing upright which effects my stabilty but it seems like i have more power. This might compliment shotokan but i dont know. People will probly say im more aplical for kyokushin because im shorter with smaller fast hands but i dont like to get hit. I want to fight statigicaly like lyota machida but im not tall and dont know if i could pull it off being short and stocky. My ultimate goal is to do an mma fight and win. They say kyokushin is more combat based and shotokan more kata based and they say shotokan is better for katas but not fighting but im not going to class so it not like im training with a partner and kyokushin is a pretty extreme spsrring style so they both might be equal if you do it by yourself. The kyokushin ones look very simple and easy to learn but since ill mainly be doing kata a dont know if i want simple or complex since ill be learning on my own and cant get specific detail which i plan on visiting a dojo of either to show moves and ask advice on my tech. I like shotokan but seem strong in kyokoshin but dont like getting hit please give as much advice as you can. Im a green belt in shorin ryu kenshinkan karate but its more self defence based
I was curious how much harder the blows are in diffrent weight division. Im 5 8 and i should be able to get to a low one in mma but ive sparred with someone 200 lbs with boxing gloves. He was a amataur boxer it was alot of force. I didnt know how mma gloves feel diffrent and if i was either 160 to around 175 how much harder the blows are at diffrenr weight classes. Also how bad is it to get beat up till knockout it sounds intense but is it realy as bad as it sounds Im also trying to figure out if i want to kyokushin or shotokan. They say kyokushin is better for mma but i dont like getting hit that much and shotokan is longer stanced and they dont just stand there and take the punishment but i dont know if it is good for my body type since im shorter 5 8 and idealy realy strong at 160 or so. Lyoto machida is my idol but he is tall and linky were im im short and stocky dont know if those long movements would work for me. I have realy small hands but big feet and my feet naturaly curved at 45 degree so my feet arent straight
Was wanting people to share their stats and how many pullups they could do unweighted and weighted so i can get an idea what is what.plus put if weight is muscle or chunkyness. And if weight vest i would like to know 3 rep range with weight vest. Hell share video on here if you want im interested. Im 5 8 and 174 lbs 22% body fat and i push as hard i can to do one and a half so its deffinitly more of a powerhouse workout for me instead of being skinny and bustin out 10 at once. Im trying to lose As much weight as i can but im going to keep my rep range from 1 to 5 with my weight vest vest untill i go up and up. Btw what would be a good weight for me at 5 8 and doing pushups pullups and shedding to about 12% fat
Im 5 8 and 174 lbs 22% body fat and i push as hard i can to do one and a half so its deffinitly more of a powerhouse workout for me instead of being skinny and bustin out 10 at once. Im trying to lose As much weight as i can but im going to keep my rep range from 1 to 5 with my weight vest vest untill i go up and up. Btw what would be a good weight for me at 5 8 and doing pushups pullups and shedding to about 12% fat
I was going to try the same, i bought a adjustable grip trainer and started using it 5 times a week 3 sets of 20 on both sides and i just started an extreme pullup workout my grip has increased about 30% in 2 weeks. I couldnt even squeeze the gripper at max strength before a third barely. Now i can squeeze it down in minumum training. I recomend using gripper and doing alot of pullups/chinups in at least 3 diffrent ways and pushups. It doing great for me. Im adding a weight vest to slowely work to 40 lb and ill let you know how my workouts result in a couple months. Dont feel bad if you cant do a pullup it took me months years ago to be able to do one and i looked it up and it said only 10% of people can do one. http://www.google.com/search?biw=320&bih=339&tbm=shop&ei=KDBaVcfSLYuryQTf_oHIAw&q=grip++20+90+lbs&oq=grip++20+90+lbs&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.3...9649.16934.0.17404.
5-10 Shadow boxing break at work 30-45 minutes Stretching 5-30 mins No running during holiday at work Wed- Shadow boxing break at work 30-45 minutes Stretching 5-30 mins No running during holiday at work Thursday- Boys @girls club usual Shadow boxing 5x3 mins Heavybag 3 min rounds 30-1h Sparring 5-10 Break at work 30 min-45 min stretching Friday- Shadow boxing 1h-1 hour3min Sat- Shadowbox 1h15m Stretch 15 to 30 mins Sun* Rest day I am going to incorperate pullups, pushups, running up stairs and eventualy get a heavybag for training at home I am wondering if i will become good enough to get a good amatour record ans mabye go pro I will start lifting closer to pro for knockout power instead of points. Im 5 8 now 175 23% body fat but would like to be 160 to 175 havent made up my mind if i want to fight taller people , running up stairs and eventualy get a heavybag for training at home I am wondering if i will become good enough to get a good amatour record ans mabye go pro I will start lifting closer to pro for knockout power instead of points. Im 5 8 now 175 23% body fat but would like to be 160 to 175 havent made up my mind if i want to fight taller people
So if mike tyson weighd that much at 5 10 then what would i weigh at that body frame at 5 8
I was wonder what weight i would be at so i could determine my weight class. I weight weigh 168 right now im 5 8 probly a 20% body fat. When i weighd 184 it said i had 23% body fat when i was lifting. Ive lost weight and ive been dojng pushups now i am planning on shedding as much weight as possable doing extensive shadow boxing heavy bag situps other cardio. I was wondering what weight i would be down to if i trained really hard shedded the most fat i could and was medium body frame pushups dips all that and if i got mike tyson style muscle how much would i weigh? My reach is 69.5 inches does that effect my weight at all? I can only bench press 140 and when i was younger i was 150 but could bench press 110 with 23% bodyi can curl 35 lbs dumbells once now.
I am flat footed and have bowed legs at a 45 outward was wanting to know if i have any advantages in any martial art like boxing karate styles or other. For example when boxing i dont twist my feet inward like most people putting my body inside it goes 45 outward to regular stance with twist of the hip is this a good thing allowing me to land in natural stance and does it produce the same amount power also interested in how it effects my kicking speed and power what about grappling and takedowns when pressing feet against floor What about what styles and fighting atfitudeid be good at?
Anyone know if these nunchaku are good.
chrisw08 replied to chrisw08's topic in Martial Arts Weapons
i love the bottom one and the one before the bottom one. -
Just curious peoples opinions on how they would fight if attacked on the street. So your somewhere on the street someone swings at you. You get in a defensive stance and start to decide what to use or instinct but either way would u do the quick speedy strikes at your opponents jabs quick rights or would u throw some of those heavy massive damage moves like super powered full force karate punch push kick knee or elbow to the face. How would you fight in a real fight speedy quick and evasive or all out full force penetrative power moves just looking for peoples personal opinions
Im wanting to start doing a workout program to make me stronger but not become muscular including weighted pushups, pullups and mabye some simple lifts. Im working matenence and only do a workout on my last day after work. Ive been doing pushups but i did like 20 with a 20 lb backpack and then i did 35 without which caused me to gain body size and are supposed to barely increase strength and made me more cumbersome for my job which i dont want. I want to know how low reps i need to do to gain the most amount of strength with least body size. Will 5 or 6 be low enough or do i have to do like 3 or 4 or mabye even one or two. I know ive seen male and female power lifters that can lift incredible amounts but just look like average toned people. Im wondering if im gonna have buy like a 60 lb weight vest to be able to do this
I was wondering because I have never really been able to do pullups that much it effects on martial arts. Does it give you incredible power if you train really hard on them because I have done pushups with weight vest and the results of power were amazing but is the results of pullups any better since it is more difficult or are those muscles not as important