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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Kyokushin, shotokan
  • Location
  • Interests
    Karate, swimming, roller derby, photography.
  • Occupation

Sainthood's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. 1. Greater flexibility. 2. More tournaments. 3. Pass my first kyu grading. 4. Train more!
  2. congrats! Hope your hand is doing alright.
  3. 1 Have you ever trained with a different style of martial arts? Yeah. 2 Have you ever trained in another country? Nope just Canada 3 Have you ever trained outdoors? Yes both alone and with other MA students 4 Have you ever trained so hard you couldn't stand? No but close during my brown belt exam. 5 Have you ever had dreams about training? Yes 6 Have you ever been knocked unconscious during training? Not while training but while in a tournament. 7 Have you ever intentionally lost a fight? No 8 Have you ever run from a fight? No 9 Have you ever cried during training? No 10 Have you ever saved your own life with martial arts? Nope 11 Have you ever saved another person's? Maybe.
  4. Welcome to KF!!
  5. Hey neighbor, I'm from Montreal Welcome to KF!
  6. I have never seen an adult wear their gi outside the dojo before. I don't see a reason why an adult would do this when they can easily change before/after training. As a kid my dojo was only two blocks away and I would change at home before walking over just so I wouldn't have to bring a bag but as I grew older I grew out of that habit
  7. Hey man welcome to the fourms!
  8. I don't see why having an embroider Gi would be offensive to anyone or why you should wait till you are a certain rank to wear it. There are a lot of people at my dojo that have this. I think it's more of a preference thing. belts on the other hand I think should only be embroider at black, but thats just my opinion.
  9. I use to do Kyokushin full contact but recently moved to shotokan due to dojo location. Both styles are great but I do wish there was a little more contact in shotokan. I just competed and only the 18+ black belts were allowed full contact free sparing and it was very controlled.
  10. The bullets and legos are really cool!
  11. That's a really bad experience. When I first started training when I was 13 I had to get special permission from my sensei to take the adult classes because I couldn't stand taking classes with kids. You should defiantly try to find a new style that better suits you or at least a new dojo with serious students and not just a bunch of kids.
  12. I have the same problem. a little bit of baby powder in the problem areas helps a lot.
  13. I was actually just going to start a topic about this. I find my dojo extremely clean. Before training as a class we all grab a wet rag and run up and down the dojo cleaning the floor as part of are warm up. (If you ever used a rag to clean your floor rather than a mop you understand how tiring it could actually be.) The changing room is also fairly clean, but recently we have had a couple of new members who just have the most disgusting feet I have ever seen in my life so much so that I have taken to washing my feet right after class every time I train. I don't think that there is anything another student can say that wouldn't seem rude. So I just have to hope sensei says something one day or that I don't get paired up with one of these students for any kicking exercises.
  14. It seems a little informal to not have a test at all and just give a student a promotion. At the same time it must be nice to work in a small dojo where you can watch the progress of all of your students over time.
  15. Congrats on passing!! 4 and a half hours for a text sounds crazy!
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