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    nees kung fu
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Rocko's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. there are many weapons in martial arts and there are wepons like a staff sword and many other will u tell me which is the best.
  2. if u know the ansawre to this question please tell me i need to know. if you could help me out with this.
  3. i think promter make a lot of money but i am not sure.and knw that thai boxer ken is a cry litte dub dumb kid.the reason i am saying this is because he sent me this message."new kids here are always dumb. I dont like him." What did i ever to derserve that.??? :kaioken:
  4. if u could tell me some schools to find out if i can learn muaythai or kickboxing please tell me> [ This Message was edited by: Patrick on 2001-09-30 14:28 ]
  5. I went to nees kung fu in florida and there is belt system. There is white , yellow, orange green,purple,blue,gold,red,brown,gray,black,black first dregee, secound degree,ect. ect. my friend bobby says there are no belts in kung fu.who is right. please tell me if u know.
  6. i dont think thai boxer ken knows wah he is say and muaytb1shoud battle it out.>
  7. i chi real or a supernatural phonmonone that no one knows how to master u tell me if it is real or just a magic trick>
  8. what is your faveoate stanes of all the forms of marial arts tell me
  9. i think that bruce lee wold win because he is the best if he was still alive
  10. i think it the best what u got a proble about that tell me
  11. tell me waht u thougth about the figting scenes.Did u think it was funny i did soo u tell me waht u thougt about the movie>
  12. If you know the most affective kick to get the other opponent on the floor. Please tell me if you know
  13. I go to nees kung fu in folrida and i need some tips to help me kick higer and gain more speed i am sevnteen years old an learning for selfdefence so pleas help me out.
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