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Kevin Wilson

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Everything posted by Kevin Wilson

  1. Adidas Taekwondo shoes are great and look good to. Dont want to sound like a self promotor or spam but ..... they have sole supports and pivot points on heel and ball fo the foot. If its like the the ones over here tennis courts are fairly abrasive to all shoes. The Adidas are about £68 though. If it was me I would just buy cheapest Taekwondo shoes out there as although adidas may last longer and have comfort in the long run you may be cheaper buying new cheap shoes every couple of months ?
  2. Can you remember that feeling you had when you went from Primary school to high school and you were the junior again? I decided to join a local Jiu Jitsu class tomorrow for the first time and I have that feeling again but worse.... I teach Shotokan karate and hope they don't interfere with each other. Has anyone else had any experience in this ?
  3. I believe the average persons reaction time is 0.21 seconds. I imagine its much higher average for martial arts because were trained my average is 0.175 not boasting I think I ow it to my age and training. I seen really intresting test on boxers and parkinsons once. They got loads of them to do this test were you had your finger on a botton and infront a couple of inches was five more buttons with a light. When the light shined you had to press it and get back again. They Split the boxers into two groups. One was people that been training quite a while but hadnt much fights. The other were ones that had been training even longer but were seasoned pro's many fights under them. The unseasoned fighters had the quickest reaction times . The seasoned pros though moved much faster once they had reacted and made much fewer mistakes. little off topic but I thought it was intresting lol
  4. Personally I love shotokan but you really need to try all 3 first. See what feels comfortable. A comfortable fighter in worse style will beat an uncomfortable fighter in a better style. ...
  5. Some places will give you one if you collect enough stamps
  6. Bruce Lee always boasted about these great techniques and as much as I think he is great I never asked what I would do in that situation I always wandered what he would do ? They Always there some one better than you. Its one of those rare times when yea I would probably want to take it to the floor ASAP Also 0.05 wasn't his reaction times I believe 0.05 was the time it took to go from his side in neutral position to your head ....
  7. Thanks for quick response. I have been looking round forum and great to see so many like minded people. RSS feeds suppose don't mater much at least I get an email when some one reply s. That doesn't matter either suppose as seems like a really active forum
  8. I find Adidas judo gi's are wider than normal . Also kwon do a fairly cheap judo gi. It used to be ijf approved before ijf got greedy.
  9. hi I'm new to this martial arts forum though I have used others before. I came here looking for more karate orientated forum. As well as breaking the ice I wanted to ask if this forum has an RSS feed? I can't find it if it does. Thanks Kevin
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