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Everything posted by mauger

  1. My style was founded in 1966 by former Grand Master Chew Choo Soot. He learnt karate during WW2 from an officer of the Japanese military. The officer knew Master Chew was a proffesional body builder and in return for his instuctions the officer agreed to teach him karate. Master Chew opened dojo's all over the world with the help of his son. My club was opened in 1967. Shihan Spice ran the dojo and eventually passed down the title of Shihan to my sensei, Shihan Corner
  2. Kata is used to build muscle memory. if practiced often enough it allows the karateka to react on instinct. when combined with knowledge of the Bunkai it can be useful for sparing combinations and self defence if necessary.
  3. The first Bo kata I ever learned was Shodan Bo. it isnt very technical, mostly just low strikes and high strikes. my favorite Bo kata is one that my sensei created with our head of style years ago. Next week I will be starting shushi no kon, wish me luck haha
  4. Style: Budokan Karate Rank: 7th kyu (I started at 9th is that normal? ive heard that some schools start at 8th) Train 4 times a week. i would go more often but im in my final year of school. Finish in 3 months woooo more training
  5. i have been training with my sensei for about 6 months now and i have nothing but the upmost respect for him. My self discipline has increased exponentially. I find this is because when we are in class we are serious but we can still have a joke. Finding a balance is important it doesn't have to be all scarry
  6. Hi Everyone I know there is a lot of talk out there about "the best Bokken". i have recently purchased a 45 inch Bokken from kingfisher woodworks and i love it. I was just wondering what Bokken other people prefer?
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