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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Karate and MMA
  • Location
    Spokane, Wa.
  • Interests
    Writing, visiting with friends, and now, martial arts.
  • Occupation
    Dog Groomer

Crimson_Lotus's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Thanks everyone! I truly appreciate it! With my advanced yellow belt, the first time my friend and I wore them, was during a kick a thon to help a class mate. 1,000 kicks in an hour. I didn't think we could do it, but we did. I know that only more great things are around the corner!
  2. That sounds really fun too! I tested on Bo and did fine--so that made me happy. In our main class, we learn Bo and Nun-chucks. There is a Master's class that offers the Kama (which I want to learn!), Sai (same!), Bokken, and Katana. But I want until I am a little higher level and can afford the weapons. I have watched them, and they are all amazing. I'd love to learn. Celeste
  3. Belt testing was a success! I am now an Orange belt! I am really excited over this. The testing was harder than my prior belts and I think our Sensei rode us harder than before. I am glad! I hurt a little bit today due to a leg injury I had gotten on Monday, but other than that, I am fine. This was also the first test in which some of our coworkers came to watch. Like testing isn't stressful enough lol. One of the girls who came to watch is the one who gives me a lot of trouble at work about my weight. For once, I fully felt confident in myself and it went well. We demonstrated our kick sets and bo staff. It was awesome because I haven't had my own bo staff. I have been using one of the school's. When I went to test, I went to ask for one to use. One of my instructors said she had a special one for me. She pulled it out of the closet, and it was my height...and it had a blue/silver bow on it. Our school's colors. I guess a couple weeks ago, my other half had purchased it. It was my instructors idea to put the bow on it and give it to me during the class. It was awesome. A perfect night. Thanks for all the support!! Celeste
  4. I think I will be following the same path you did. Keep myself good at least until after the test. We don't have class next week for the holiday weekend, so if it gets bad, I can just rest it out lol. Thanks!
  5. Well, tomorrow is the day I'll definitely let you guys know how it goes! Thank you! Celeste
  6. Thank you, Patrick. Of course, I'm starting to get a cold I think. Just need to push it off until AFTER 8pm Wednesday lol.
  7. I will definitely take a look into that! I tend to walk almost everywhere lol. Thanks!
  8. Well, we've been doing staff for a little bit now. I love it...just have to get accustomed to hand placement
  9. lol My screen name comes from my favorite color and flower. Some of my friends jokingly call me Karate Panda because I am round, bouncy, and love food--which has been my problem LOL but the spirit is there
  10. Thanks for the advice guys! It has gotten better though I did hurt it again last week in class. My own fault I think LOL. I didn't wrap it, and with what we were doing, I probably should of. I appreciate you guys!
  11. I haven't been on here in awhile, but I guess that's what happens when you lose internet lol. So, Wednesday the 14th, I am testing for my Orange belt. Very excited but slightly nervous. I am imagining that's a good thing though, since that means I actually care. We've been learning the Bo Staff and I am LOVING it. A friend is coming over today to run me through form for about an hour or so because that's what I think I need more help on. I can't wait.
  12. I have seen people fail at ours. If you never show up and then just try to test, and of course do not do well, they are not going to pass you. I don't believe someone should be given their belt just because they come to the testing. There has to be practice and dedication to it.
  13. Usually, instructors will test you at a later time if for some reason you can't test when they do. If you're sick, you need to take care of YOU. Hope you were able to work it out Celeste
  14. You know, it's odd because it only lasts a couple days. But I will check into physical therapy as an option. I think once I get into better shape, my bodyw ill be able to handle this better. Celeste
  15. Finally after researching the pain I am getting in my left foot, I have discovered that is a Plantar Fascia Injury which according to one of the websites I was looking at, admits it can be from being obese. I admit, I have only been in karate for 4 months now, so it's not like I have lost all my weight but trying lol I have been having problems with this on and off for the past month, but keep ignoring it. Well, that was until we did a kick-a-thon to support a class mate of ours. 1,000 kicks in an hour. I see they recommend using joint tape of sorts to help with it. Has anyone else had this problem? What size of tape do you recommend for it? Any other advice? Celeste
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