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Matsubayashi Ryu
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Karateka63's Achievements

Yellow Belt (2/10)
Solo combative training? :/
Karateka63 replied to Karateka63's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
if I ask someone who doesn't do martial arts it just feels like I'm bullying them when I'm not because I'm just trying to improve but then I get frustrated because I know I'm not improving because there not really doing anything to make me feel like I'm in a combative situation. there either afraid to get hit -_- or they think it's an invitation to beat the crap outta me -_- then I gotta tell em I'm trying to improve not go the hospital then all the sudden they ease up too much then there afraid to hit me anymore after that -_- this is frustrating because my mom doesn't have that amount of gas money to take me from place to place to place just to train 45 min at a time each day while going to college -_- -
how does a martial artist train combat techniques without a sparring partner? I can practice kata all day long, however that just helps me condition my body to make those techs feel natural. now applying it to actual combat is a whole different story because I've notice all the techniques I learn in kata are slightly different when applying them in combat situations. like for example, in the kata, futokata-iche you throw these upper blocks when really in combative training? all it really is, is a upper punch deflecting an arm o.o (amazed) so been wondering -_- how can I get better at combat training when I only have one person that trains me in the combative form twice a week? -_-
I stumbled upon a shorin ryu club at my college and me, being a huge fan of the Okinawan styles and the fact that I hated it when my dojo had to relocate due to recession, out of years of just getting by with kata and crying my eyes out cuz I missed my sensia and all the students that had become my friends, I finally found some free time between classes and decided to jump at the opportunity...........I knew immediately this guy was legit because he was teaching just as my old sensai tought me the simple steps to matsubayashi ryu -_- that and my old sensai made us study the okinawan culture witch I took a great liking too anywho, Idk if it's the yoko geri's or the mawashi geri's or the fact that my new sensai demonstrated these kicks on me to refresh my form of these techniques which I picked up on rather quickly, anyway either I was kicking wrong or it was a time when he demonstrated one of these kicks on my left knee, my left knee......for the past couple of days every single time I throw a yoko geri or a mawashi geri it kinda stings inside my knee and now a portion of my left knee is swollen and warm??? o.o
look guys I'm just a Shorin Ryu Martial Artist Seeking the philosophy, the lifestyle, and combat skills of an honorable warrior who protects his friends and family ok, yes self defense techniques are clever, quick, and good to get out of jams but to be in a fight lasting more then 30 seconds, sorry for sounding arrogant but under those circumstances running would be a pretty good idea.
yea masterpain I agree it feels that way that it would be illogical, however, I don't know any other way I love shorin ryu with all my heart it is the style I will always have a deep connection with, but to be surrounded by schools that do not practice the actual art of combat along with the philosophy aspect of martial arts....... you guys want me to change styles but tho I wouldn't mind a little cross training because I do love MA as a whole however I want to be a Shorin Ryu Martial Artists and a strong wise one at that, how can apply my techniques if all I got are strangers and scarce dojo's? this sucks I want enlightenment I'm so tired of being held back when I know I can do better if the sensia's would just stop with the constant meduim contact sparring I have the techniques down flat....when I'm sparring meduim, but if I fight at medium I will always fight at medium why can't they see that in their student.
I realize my techniques broken apart is actually a pattern that combines into combos masterpain but look, all the fights I've ever been in were in my childhood with my dead-beat father and logically won all of those fights because I was 7 but I put up a hell of a fight just so he wouldn't hit my mom or older bro that was back when I barley knew anything about martial arts, and I still know very little however it somehow seems the only way to effectively improve myself as practitioner of martial arts is to risk getting a couple bones broken all while attempting to put all my techniques to use, see what works for me and what does not. for those that don't work out I'll just train them till they do work out.
it's funny how in martial arts they teach you to avoid fighting at all costs, that is the philosophy behind it yet in order to be a brilliant martial artist you have to train under those conditions, I feel like all my training I've ever done ever was all spiritual nothing I can actually take into combat with.........I hate that this country doesn't have free health care -_- lol
Thank you guys for all your explanation however, I'm getting so sick and tired of feeling like all my training is inapplicable to real fighting scenarios and given the fact that the types of dojo's you guys are suggesting are scarce, I just feel like going outside and getting my butt kicked so many times to the point I get it right I have done kata's for over 3 years, practicing the science behind the movement just to get the technique down flat all in acts to protect my friends and family.........I am a fan of bruce lee and so many other martial artists, I study both the movements and the philosophy behind martial arts because it enlightens me to be a better man for myself and my family. I want to protect my friends and family, I am sick of slow progress if I need to get my butt kicked a couple times so be it, if it helps me protect the ones I love......I'll do anything for them. help me you guys.......martial arts has always been more then a hobby to me I love it.....but to have all my training lean towards philosophy and not actual combat...........I think im bound to make a stupid decision since I can't find a dojo in my area where martial artists will hard contact spar, I'm am sick of relying on my adrenaline! my adrenaline has won me fights! but I hate it when I'm not in control of my own body! I always feel pathetic after the fight weather I win or lose!
ok guys lately I'm kind of thrown off of the concept of real fighting because as Bruce Lee says, if one becomes too methodological your fighting style becomes robotic but if use the Art of Expression you say "here I am as a man". Science = too robotic Art= too unrealistic so my confusion is a lot of martial artists say when you are in a fight it is a series of random brutal chaotic events that play out in a short amount of time so if a fight between 2 people is chaotic, how can an individual effectively apply useful techniques to a fight if the fight itself is chaotic??? (tell me if I'm not making sense) lately I've been trying to figure out why I've become so tense when it comes to sparring and fighting in general, when I train my body I follow step by step to perfect technique and now when I throw these techniques they feel natural in sparring but when I'm in a fight, my fight or flight kicks in and I just feel like going donkey kong on someone. for example, when I practice kicks, I know the movements are Up, Out, Back, Down, I practice kicks in steps and putting those steps all together but when I'm in a actual fight and not a sparring match my body just wants to forget everything I ever trained for and just tackle someone to the floor but I know if I do that their just going to stick their arm out and punch me....but my body wants ta do it anyway how the heck can I stop this lol.
ok besides picking a fight and sending each other to the hospital, how can one get someone to spar effectively without making them feel so threatened that they feel like they have to break your nose just so they never have to spar with you again lol ??? I hate dramatical situations and when you challenge someone the entire situation sounds like conflict when you just walk up on someone and say want to spar, and some people just take it as, "oh he wants me to break his nose.......ok BAM!" lol not that that has ever happened to me lol just I have friends that do this and I mean I thought the entire point in sparring was to improve both people as fighters, not crippling each other till one can't stand? I mean thats a great way to improve your reflexes lmao when someone is attempting to break your spinal cord lol but I somehow get the feeling this is not how 2 people spar effectively?
thx for your help guys, I controlled my anger and didn't fight him I appreciate the words of wisdom thanks.(sarcasm)
I have some confusions I'd like some help with because I'm losing my cool here, this guy keeps threatening my ex and me trying up and down to provoke me to fight him and he keeps harassing my ex is just bawl out crying because this guy will not leave us alone and the only reasons I'm not fighting him is because 1, he's a minor, 2, can't afford to get my college schooling taken away from me because of this drama. 3, I've already won, I had a feeling this guy was a player and he was caught 3 times by my ex's friends with 3 different girls ok as soon as my ex broke it with him he started threatening me to fix it lmao that's how this all started. This guy is 16 years of age I am 19 years old, my blood just keeps getting really hot, my throat hurts, my heart hurts, and it won't stop racing, how can I regain control? How can I not let my bodies instincts get to my head? What can I do to get this guy behind bars? guy wants to join the marine core yet he's on a strict weed based diet, what are some other restrictions of the marine core because I am aware there is good and bad in every profession however I know this guy is bad, I do not want him contaminating the marine core by him getting admitted in, I want to break his arms and legs, I know how to do this but I know that it is pointless and wrong because he hasn't yet laid a finger on my ex or me but my temper keeps getting to me so badly I think I may do something I'm gunna regret later please help me regain control, I haven't been this angry in years? [/code]
just for reference, Ive always known the difference between real fights and movie stunts lol just look guys I guess im weirded out by this because I can control my rage vary well.....its vary hard to make me mad and ive only lost (partial) control a couple times in my short life but and those times I was young and protecting my mother and older brother as well as I from getting beaten from multiple relatives on a daily basis. so I have taken hard beatings by multiple relatives just to protect my mother and older bro. The story a couple posts up is the vary first time anger has ever consumed me in an instant without wanting to protect someone. as soon as I saw my ex walk away with the boy who threatened me, It was like my body took control of itself, I was thinking about the crime I was about to commit but it was like part of me didnt care. to cut things short guys ok look most of my childhood I grew up around abusive people but I took after my mother who wasn't abusive and I hated my relatives for abusing my mom bro and I, I got out of that at age 10 and lemme tell you guys,........I Hate It When My Anger Controls Me I Go Through Great Lengths Just To Control It, When Anger controls me it makes me feel like im one of them, those abusive scum of the earth. Its why every time Ive ever lash out at anyone I always end up bawling afterwords. but if Im protecting someone I love and care for things like this never happen to me I usually have some control and can and have injured or broke up fights without injuring all whilst controlling the flow of what I do in those situations this was the first time I ever lost full control and ill admit Im scared becouse this is new to me and I dont ever want something like this to control me.
guys I have to admit, in all my experience in MA Ive only done light and medium contact sparring, I think this is because most of other the other students where 3 years younger with parents watching from the sidelines, only time I ever did medium contact was in tournaments and Ive been to about 7 tournaments in MA all together. I did spar back in TKD and Shorin Ryu but since my dojo had to relocate and my family and I recovering from an eviction Ive had to shift my focus on getting prepared for college and getting a car for transportation.
I'm sure there will be others here better geared to answering your question, however I'll add my own ideas to this. I think the reason you feel the way you do is because, as you said, you don't get in to fights that often; and so both your mind and body are still in a state of nervousness and doubt. I'm assuming the fight wasn't an easy one for you. It's not uncommon for our bodies to kick in to a state of "auto-pilot", because very often, we give in to fear and panic. This fear and panic isn't something very often emulated in the dojo, and so your mind will treat an actual fight differently from normal dojo sparring. What you end up fighting with isn't a focused mind, but on instinct instead (it's like naturally curling up into foetal position when on the floor whilst being attacked). Anyway, I say, give it time. Allow the anxieties to pass. Re-introduce yourself into training slowly, and if you find as though you can't do that, you may perhaps either want to discuss the situation with your sensei (in which case he may make adjustments to lessons to provide for such real fight scenarios e.g. by introducing pressure testing); or you may want to look at other styles which do incorporate such methods of training (I know Krav Maga is notorious for it). Whatever it is that you decide to do though, I would definitely say, don't give in to fear! Don't allow this bad experience to put you off from training permanently. Be persistent, look for alternatives; and if you decide that taking a martial art isn't right for you, please make this decision with a clear mind. P.S- I'm sorry for what happened to you. You seem like a nice enough person; it's a shame that these things happen. oh I didn't get my butt kicked but my body n mind did throw me off. Lemme clear things up and make thing brief yet not vague. I had been dating this girl for 2 years and before those 2 years we were vary good friends, things went well for this girl and I for about a year and a half and when she broke up with me......a week later after our break up she got with another guy, this hurt but I could handle it and didn't judge her on it, after all ever since the break up we were trying to stay friends.....or I was anyway, soon after she got this boyfriend, she started comparing her new bf with me. I told her to kindly stop as I am moving on and it already hurts enough to randomly run into you guys. she stopped for about 3 weeks then easily picked up on it again. I didn't say anything about it for 1 month and one day, I told her via txt in a calm mature way to please stop if u want this friendship to work please stop comparing him and I. She responded by bringing her bf over to the library and threatened me in the kids section of the library and with her seeing me hurt she left the library holding his hand and.........something in me snapped, I went outside dropped my stuff walked up to them and as im walking up to them the inside of me is screaming, Hes 16.......THIS IS A PUBLIC AREA! JAIL, HE IS A MINOR!!, apart of me didn't seem to care about martial arts or anything all I wanted to do in that moment was plant his face on the concrete. but....when I got up to him and tried to punch him in the face my ex kept stepping in his way yelling stop and for some reason when I heard that my body slowed down and my chest started getting super hot, got sick of my ex stepping in the way so for some reason my instincts told me to punch his hip bone so I did, he then got me in a headlock and I pulled a Bruce lee and bit him and didn't let go till I heard someone coming to break the fight up......Id have to say if it weren't for my size ill prolly be in jail, the guy who broke the fight up thought I was 15. I kept my mouth shut and went back inside but ever since that incident, not only is my heart in pain but my self confidence within my martial arts feels somewhat crippled, perhaps its because im mad at myself for showing weakness. letting someone get to me because only I control the actions I carry out and when this guy provoked me along with the anguish of seeing my ex walk away with him I fell for it. I hate myself for this mistake, no matter how many push-ups I do I cant rid myself of the guilt, I feel useless and I feel like a disgrace to Martial Arts, I feel like I went behind Martial Arts back and hindered my honor.