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Everything posted by chris0828

  1. I know what you mean. Last night I was not really up for going rough day at work, stuff to do at home, but when I got there and I started training it was the best training I've ever done. With each punch, kick and block I could feel myself improving. I got such as buzz off it!
  2. PS3 all the way for me. I was quite lucky in that I got mine free with a phone contract so I didn't have to pay for mine. There's a couple if games that make me wanna get a 360 (mainly halo) but there isn't much between them.
  3. It's a life sized dummy you kick the hell out of called Bob. what are you waiting for! lol no seriously I've used it once and it was ok but for actual advice on it refer to the people of above me.
  4. As I'm new to my dojo never had a training session with my sensei yet. But all the senior students i've trained with have been excellent
  5. Sometimes it's about finding a style other times I think people lose patience and think that another style will give quicker progression. They're wrong, from the little I've seen learning a martial art takes time, patience and practice lots and lots of practice.
  6. I stopped going to gyms because of the expense and the feeling that I wasn't getting anywhere for the price I was paying. Instead I work out at home: sit-ups, press-ups, lower abdominal crunches (don't know the proper name for them), tricep exercises every day and karate twice a week. Plus a few hours every week working on my kihon and my kata, for karate practice. I really want to start running but getting the motivation together is difficult particularly when it rains so often
  7. I think half of learning any martial art is learning muscle memory for the stances and techniques. Whether in combat, training or like you did falling on ice you know you've mastered a technique when you don't have to think about how to do it - to quote a great man "there is no try, only do"
  8. I'm in agreement with most people on here. I don't keep my karate a secret it just doesn't come up in conversation very often. Most of my friends know I do it but I don't want to bore them if they're not interested. I started to keep fit and get in better shape so if the topic comes up it's normally I that context.
  9. Thanks for the advice guys. Basically yeah I've been given a few really basic techniques to practice to form the basis for the rest of my training. Thanks again
  10. Hi all This is probably going to sound really dumb. But I've just started learning and after my lesson the Sensei gave me some tips about what kihon I should be working on in order to progress I was just wondering what is the best way to practice at home, or what you have found useful. I don't have a training partner and limited space. So does anyone have any tips?
  11. thanks for the welcome guys
  12. Jarhead Man on Fire and Crimson Tide All absolutely brilliant, also love Tarintino films.
  13. Hi all I'm Chris I'm 24 and I live in Preston in Lancashire just started learning Shotokan Karate. Mainly started learning in order to improve my personal fitness. Got bored going to gyms and feeling ripped off by them. Anyway just thought I'd say hi!
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