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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
  • Location
    Santa Monica. California
  • Interests
    Travelling, reading. movies
  • Occupation
    Occupational Therapist Assistant

luca61's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Hello NoLifeKing, are you attending the SantaAna College? I graduated there in Occupational Therapy about five yr ago. If I am not wrong there is A Shito Ryu just in front of the College, have you checked it out?
  2. Personally, I like the concept of the strong side forward. However, when sparring in the JKD classes under the adrenaline and heat of the fight I saw many people reverse the the old stance. I guess the old habits are difficult o break
  3. Well, to be the devil's advocate,sometimes the fact that grappling on the ground you get stomped or you get injured by broken glass, needles, rock and so forth is an excuse for not studying groundwork. Being realistic, with the adrenaline dump kicking in, the type of surface you are rolling in becomes secondary. My main concern with BJJ is that sometimes has an excessive sport component that compromises self defense attitude. But this is not for BJJ but for the many others MA ( Karate, Judo, Olympic Tae Known Do and so forth).
  4. Check your local library there are a lot of books there.
  5. Maybe he doesn't know how it works because is just a myth, like KI power, ko pressure points, and so on. I thought that in 2011 this nonsense had already stopped.
  6. As a occupational therapist I would say no, especially if you don't have any pain or discomfort. My father is still happily chopping and swinging sledgehammer at the tender age of 79
  7. I agree with you Guitarguy. If I may add something, is that Muy Thai is favored because uses more training equipment such as focus mitts, bag, shield and so on. I know that is not the case with Kyokushin and derivatives, but some dojo still spend a large amount of the time striking thin air and missing the feedback of hitting solid objects. In the seventies Traditional Karate used a lot the Makiwara, but with the turn to the sport oriented side it has mostly been forgotten.
  8. I need to check but if I'm not wrong I remember one Oyama's book having locks and chokes, I believe he was influenced by Aikijitsu. For simple self defense I will go with judo, IMO osoto gari is one of the best throw for self defense. BJJ is a wonderful grappling art, but sometimes it get a little too complex for pure self defense.
  9. Psychic non contact fighting? Is this a joke.
  10. School: Culver Seido Karate Style: Seido Ju Ku City: Culver City ( Los Angeles) Teacher: Kyoshi Ted Pastrick 5th dan
  11. I was told to wash them with hot water and put them in a dryer for a few cycles ( otherwise never put your gi in dryer). Since Tokaido and Shureido are high quality (and expensive) I would also consider taking them to a tailor for better adjustments.
  12. Except for the individual that promote themselves before 40 yr of age, I don't think that the criteria should be decided by a marked improvements in technical abilities. If are are a serious martial artist by the time that you have achieved a 7 Dan there will a natural erosion of physical skill. Personally, I believe that the 8th Dan should be awarded based on knowledge and ability to pass your experience to future generation. With regards to the Hwa Rang Do claim to be able to know 4000+ techniques I wonder how many you can do well. After 30 yr I'm still struggling in iimproving the basic ones. I know that some organization ( like the SKA) stop their ranking at 5th because it was the last one achieved by Funakoshi ( but I could be wrong about that) Happy 4th of July,
  13. Scrub pants ( the one wore by nurses and doctors) are very flexible and strong and they have tons of pockets. I wear them every day for my job and is not unusual for me to squeeze some kata between one patient and the other
  14. If I remember well, in the early 70s there were some fights between kyokushin and muy Thai. Maybe they just adopted some Thai techniques.
  15. Style: Seido Juku Rank: brown belt ( 1 kyu). I train 2/3 at the dojo and twice per week at the gym for general strength/conditioning
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