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Everything posted by Orgo

  1. Sorry to correct you, but in the making of Kuro-Obi it states that the actors are both 6th dan. The actor of Giryu in Goju-Ryu and the actor of Taikan of the JKA (Presumably Shotokan). But I, also, am a big fan of said movie, its good to see a movie with more martial arts skill than special effects or choreographed stunts
  2. Seido Juku Karate 9th Kyu (White advanced tip) 3 classes a week, although if you count home training I pretty much train everyday
  3. What are their names? i may not know them personally but I've probably heard of them. We're lucky enough to have a couple of Hanshi living here in New Zealand
  4. when practising kata, you can also make it a strength exercise. Practice your kata while holding weights, only small ones; 2-3 kilograms (or about 5-7 pounds) and do them slowly. Take 10 or so seconds for each movement. Practising basic techniques or kihon while holding weights or with ankle weights can also be beneficial, but if you practice kicks, NEVER do them quickly with ankle weights. Take 10 seconds to do a kick, or you may find that your joints and tendons will be effectively destroyed before too long. Although this may be hard at first, it will increase the strength and speed of your kicks. Most importantly, with any kind of training, have patience! Osu.
  5. One thing that cannot be stressed more is to drink water, as every other person on this thread have stated, it is very good practice to drink water regularly. I would state that, also worthy of note, is to drink tea; at least once or twice daily. Not black tea with milk and two sugars or similar ilk, but herbal teas; green and jasmine teas have many antioxidants and also vitamins A and C, for healthy immune system and skin health. As for not eating meat, I would have to disagree. Although being vegetarian or vegan is certainly a perfectly viable option, there are some immediately beneficial reasons to eat meats. Red meats are a very good source of iron, which can be hard to maintain without supplements for some people. Lean red meat is obviously preferred, and I'd recommend eating it once or twice a week. While I'd say that red meat should only be eaten once or twice a week, healthier lean meats like chicken or fish can easily be eaten throughout the week without too much worry of too high a fat content. Eat nuts, not just a bag of salted peanuts or whatnot, but there is great benefit in eating a good selection of mixed nuts, which have many beneficial minerals, and also healthy fatty acids that are important for energy and muscle repair and growth. When eating meals, listen to your body. While I'd not recommend eating less than three meals a day, with regular exercise it is not uncommon to eat 6+ large meals a day. Try your best not to skip meals, especially breakfast. Eating regularly is very important for a healthy metabolism. When eating a meal, eat until you are no longer hungry, there is no point in limiting your bodies intake because you are afraid of getting fat, just as there is no point in overeating. Even if your are eating 6 large meals a day, it will be unlikely to gain weight if you are always eating healthily, and doing regular exercise.
  6. I had a look at kyokushin 4 life and there didn't seem to be a seido community there either. Although seido is closely related to kyokushin, the mentality is quite different, and seido has a meditative aspect to it. I decided to check out this forum, which has a much wider view on martial arts which I think is important. I figured I'd check and see if anyone was going the same path as I. Osu.
  7. Hey I'm new here and I was just wondering if there was any other seido juku karateka here on karate forums? I know that there is relatively large seido community where I live (New Zealand), but I am unsure of the rest of the world and the community on the Internet. Osu.
  8. Hi, my name is Luke, and I am currently studying Seido karate in New Zealand. I am relatively new to karate myself, being 9th kyu, but I am looking forward to sharing knowledge with everyone in this forum. Osu.
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