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Everything posted by tsd1592

  1. this is something i was wondering my self. I know my instructor was a traditionalist his name and style was what we advertised. When i asked y he didn't have a funky name like most schools he simply said because i am selling tang soo do not a name
  2. ok guys i took tangsoodo for around 13 years off and on i moved to mo a few years ago i haven't been training for the last 3 years and am looking to get my butt back in the studio so i was wounding if any one new any good studios near Columbia mo excluding tkd i prefer a school who focuses more on hard sparring and actual self defince defiantly not point sparring and tap tourneys i defiantly am looking to add some ground work. so i am hoping you guys have some suggestions for me
  3. First off people saying bjj is useless when fighting more than one person is dead wrong. Y do you think this when all most of anyone has seen of the art is on mma. I take tang soo do if you seen me on a mma show you would say the same thing. Y because you don't fight more than one opponent at a time in a sporting event. So unless you personal take bjj I don't think any of us really have a understanding of what we are saying. Also lets think on what in a real fight agents more than one opponent are going to do kick knees eye gouge and keep one person between us and multiple attackers as not to get surrounded last i checked bjj guys do the same thing. so here we have a long heated debate and the bottom line we all are artist we all chose different ma for a reason thay suted us. so who are we to say one style is useless at one thing when most of us saying this about that art have had no exp in it. First off bjj is a great complete art that has been tested and proven over and over agean. is it the best art NO not any art is better than the other just difrent in approach and beliefes .
  4. by the way i am not saying mma jim is saying bjj is better because he clearly is not if you read all his post. I actully agree with some points he has made such as if you think you cant be taken down he doubts your training i would agree with this. i have had one mma fight i only trained stand up because i thought it would be enough to keep me on my feet lol i was wrong my friends and my instructor told me i needed to put it off until i had more ground training i didn't listin i wanted to prove how they were wrong. needless to say i lost i got took down put on my back and pounded until the reff stopped it. now with that bean said would i change my art no i would not. do i focus on ground work yes i do as much as i can. because i believe bjj will help if i pursue mma. now do i think bjj will help me on the street yes i do but not as much as a karate or a traditional jjj and i only believe this because the bjj schools near me only focas on sport bjj and maa the jjj school focuses on self defince and i know this is not the basis of they s 2 arts just how thay are represented near me.
  5. I would like to address a few things. First off i have no training in jjj or bjj. Only in tang soo do. First off we do a lot of 2 on 1 and 3 on 1 sparring so i truly know what it means to fight more than one opponent at a time. Now we have had guys with bjj training come in and work with us and they had no problem adjusting to sparring more than one opponent weather it be on there feet or on the ground. don't think because of mma and ufc that bjj guys are not traing for multiple opponents. Bjj is a complete art they do a lot more than train for mma at least in my exp with what i have seen. Now with that beang said it drives me nuts when bjj guys dog on jjj first off in ufc and sporting comp there are no small join locks for risk of injury which is how it should be. but dont think because bjj guys do well in mma that jjj cant handle them self's that's well thay wont let me put what that is. because they don't go into a sporting event that is designed to hinder there art y should they compete when over half of there techniques are illegal. Now with that bean said i am not saying a jjj guy will whoop a bjj guy it depends on the person and the training and there dedication to the art. as for 100 win wow big deal dan severn well we see what he has become lol. Now i dont doubt your training or your rep i don't know you but you are not short on ego lol and i am no wear near Chicago but i am sure there all holes in wall all over with students who would love to give you a chance to show first hand your accomplishments lol as for that if you are ever in ca you stop by grandmaster clingans tsd assos we love challenges and always have a open door to anyone with something to share. But leave your ego at the door come in willing to learn and we will do the same. too many people want to prove how tough they are and the arts suffer for it. Its not about what the art can do for us but we can do for it. To many time the practitioners of and art give it a bad name. we take it for healt self defince and a way of life not to see who the best ufc fighter is or what art is the best. Dont you think if one art was better than the other all martial arts would be universal there not for a reason because you have to find one that suites you.
  6. no as for tsd and soobakdo being light or no contact. Than is totally wrong i can trace my instructor lineage directly to gm hwang kee his 1st through 4th dan were giving to him by gm hwang kee. I am pointing this out so you all realize traditional tsd free sparring is full contact no pulling punches no set movement full contact free sparing. that was one major factor the gm took in when he chose to remane independent from tkd now wile light contact teaches great control and accuracy. It teaches you to pull punches and i have first hand seen this causes much more harm than good in a real life situation. people forget tang soo do and soo bak do our a martial art= military art not sport karate we were never designed foe compilation we were designed to defend our self's from military invaders we dont pull punches we left for tkd no disrespect just the 2 arts took way diffrent directions. and in my opinion its sad that the new generation on instructors are taking treys arts in new directions spacificly to a sporty side. Y did gm fight for Independence if you guys are going to revert back to what he fought so hard not to become
  7. i disagree i took tang soo do for 13 years under grandmaster william d clingan and I spard from day one literally 30 min after i walked in the door i was out on the floor. This allowed me from a very early age in my training to first hand see what my weakness were and what i needed to change. now wile we do wear hand pads there is no restriction to power or wear to hit we do not separate children or women from men. As for it producing bad technique that cant be corrected that is your weakness as and instructor. It is your job you re program your student we all come with a full cup. it is your job to empty it and re fill it. Sparring will not develop bad habbets if instructed right. Even on a beginners first day. specifically because the student needs to find what works for him in a self defince situation.
  8. First off i can not speculate on the other forms but hinan were not shotokan forums they were added after he invented his style. they are barrowd and were added by a man named Anko Itosu than to shotokan by Funakoshi. What i do know is not amount of tkd will show you the shotokan application of the technique or vice versa. I take tang soo do and we also do the form but it lokkes nothing like eather styles version of the form. you should lear your styles version of the form and learn how to apply it to your art not try and bend it to something it is not
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