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Everything posted by tsd1592

  1. well said bushido man. Also i would like to add there are guys in the business who are known as shooters. Thay know just as much about submission as the next guy. Also there stamina is amazing a good pro wrestler can wrestle upwards or 60min so cardio should not be 2 much of a factor that they would have to adjust for.Thay are big and vaery athletic. Thay also know how to pace them selfs when need be and when to press the pace. Also dont use brock as and example. He was a crappy pro wrestler that never earned the respect of his peers or wrestling fans. He was a gimick to make money. Now you want to talk about guys like dean malinko chris bennot arn anderson antonio anoki all these guys were lagitamit shooters that were doing theses techniques long before mma was a household name
  2. I fear my grandmaster. I fear letting him down. I fear not representing my self in a manner he would be proud of. But i have never been afraid of him.
  3. hay now you dont need and association for it to be karate. Also karate is a way of life as sensi8 said. also you need to understand karate is just and interpretation that okinawans and Japaneses took on martial arts. Then there is korean karate which all is arguable off shoots of chineses martial arts. worry less about the name and more on the teachings you get bout with the technique and the life style they will teach you.Also i would not consider tkd karate. Its a style of its self. Thats what the Korean government wanted when thay unified Korean martial arts under one name.
  4. I also have no exp in tkd. But from what i have been told. You can not use your hands to perry a punch or kick. So i think as not to loose points they train just hold the hands down. As i said this is just what i have been told. I do not know this to be fact
  5. The way of the intercepting fist. The name explanes its self. Also to many people argue about the style. When he said my style is no style. He wanted us to take what works for us and get rid of what does not. No set movement punches or kicks. He wanted us to find are own way.
  6. watch it again clearly a snap kick under the chin at least vs vetor
  7. guys the kick came from his tkd background. Do a quick check and you will see he has also done tkd for many years. Thats wear the front snap kick came from. Not seagal or Thai. plain old tkd. If it had been a Thai front kick it would of been a push kick. In all my years i have never seen a Thai fighter trough a snap kick. Now i could b mistaken. So if i am wrong I can be corrected.
  8. do not listine to him he says this because he is not confident in his ability's. No one style is Superior to the other just different. Ihave spared guys of all difrent styles some i could kick the tar out of some kicked the tar out of me what i am getting at is its not the style that makes the man it is his heart. I tend to agree look for another school one that will help you in your search not one that is trying to take you backwards. But keep in mind. you will be learning a new art. with comes different applications. you will need to learn to do things that way to even get a proper understanding of that art. the trick is to make it complement your shorin ryu not change it. Also you love shorin ryu with that said i would not compare everything to it. for if you do this you will never be satisfied as the passion will not be there. look for something that will complement it not something Superior or better because no one style is supioror or better just diffrent
  9. but you are right it is not about the black belt its about the art or at least it should be. we should all strive to be the best we can wile giving back to are art you see we don't earn a black belt we learn a style or a way of life the belt is only a symbol to show our years of training. I don't know about you guys but i wear my rank in my head and heart i know what i can do and how good i am or am not. I need no belt to hold my karate. But i can tell you right now when your promoted to black belt in my old studio. you deserve to it was not handed or bought. It was gained trough the old cleshay blood sweat and tears with hard work dedication and a lot of man hours from bout yourself and the instructors. If you have a black belt and don't fill as if it means anything that is because in your heart you fill as you didn't earn it. Thats not the belts falt or your instructors falt its our jobs as artes to earn it. know one can tell when that is its something you fill inside of you in 13years i never made a black belt ever but i can tell you this i ernd my rank i am very proud of what i accomplished. now i have been to studios that have revewd me and offerd to put a black belt on me on the spot. i declined y because when i get my black belt it will be because i proved to my self that ernd it. not because i know the technique. Also i do believe the only reason thay started using a belt system was for military men and wimon to distinguish there difference in rank by time spent in the art. with or without a balt i am the same person. Y it is not about the belt but the jernoy getting there. There are still people out there who make you earn it they make sure you are physically ready technically read and the main one mentally ready for it. Black belt or not master or not only you can know what that belt represents. And i promise you when you have ernd it in your heart you will not worry about how other got it but will be happy because you know you both deserve it and are ready tyo represent it with confidence and dignity. Not shame or regret
  10. I disagree Some Instructors still make you earn it. I know in the studio i train in. It was minimum of 4 years before you were even eligible for a black belt. In the 13 years i trained under him He olny promoted 6 blackbelt and 5 of them were a family and no they did not all get there black belt at the same time. The black belt still means something its your job to earn it not buy it not have it handed to you defiantly not brake a board for it. You earn it with dedication hard work and love for your art. You need to find a reparable school and instructor. they are easy to find when your truly looking for one simply because the crap schools and mcdojos eliminate them selves by eater word of mouth or within seconds of talking to the instructor. You will know this school by 1 its not fancy it will look the part not shiny and perfect but often sweaty and well worn usily a blood spot or 2 2 the focus will be on the art and technique not the money or awards If they mention money before telling you about themselves or there style you will want to probably want to go some wear else 3 The instructor will be knowledgeable and take his job serious he will go trough each technique with you until you are proficient with it.
  11. with or without pad you show me one pro fighter who has a hook as nice or as devastating as mike Tyson Bernard Hopkins the list goes on and on. Its not a question on who is the best fighter but what the best method of trowing a hook is. and last i checked tie guys use a big padded glove 2. Also yes there hand training is inherently Superior. strictly because they do log more man hours in trowing punches. Hince more time to perfect what thay do when you strictly train one aspect you tend to excel in it. Now thats not saying thay are the best fighters because that is not the case. But just like a boxer will not beet a karate fighter in a kicking match. No tie or karate fighter is going to beet a boxer in a boxing match. Y because there hands are not on the same level that means technique 2
  12. my advice is use americas martial art as and example. Boxing undoubtedly the best in the world with there hands. you want to learn to get the most out of a hook watch the way a pro boxer troughs it.
  13. I was just wondering how many of you out there actively take tang soo do from who and wear. Also do you guys focus more on sport or self defince. Light or hard contact sparring or a mix of bouth
  14. I don't believe that it has any impact on karate at all. Yes is did do some work with Steven Seagal . But even if he did pick anything up from him it would be aikido not a jumping snap kick or a high snap kick last i seen seagal doesn't leave the ground too much. So i wold think its just him in general Anderson first and fore most is a martial artist always evolving. Also i believe Anderson him self has a black belt in tkd so that's wear the kicks came from. so I guess you cold say its karate but tkd i would not consider karate. I would consider it its oun style. Off topic sorry.
  15. tsd1592

    Harry Cook

    stay on topic guys this is not about religion or church. It is about and animal and the hurt it had on a human and karate. now even though it was only one person percentage does not matter sadly society will just generalize it with karate. Now at this should not change the way people teach as said earlier physical contact is a must in karate. Just make sure there is alwess another instructor or jr instructor when alone with a female student for bout of yours protection
  16. tsd1592

    Harry Cook

    Its very sad in and art were character trust and respect and three main things taught to all styles of karate. that a leader and a man who so many respected would do that to a humen. As martial artes especially and instructor we are held to higher standers people trust us with there growth mentally physically and spiritually. So to take advantage of a student is beyond redeemable. I truly hope the girl is ok and one day put this in the past. First and fore most concern is for the girl. Then there is the damage done not just to his style but all karate. In today's market wear bjj and mma are thriving traditional schools are declining. Then a monster appears in the media and does this. A man is position taking advantage of a student i truly hope they use the full might of the law on this man. You have to ask your self if being robed would he use the full might of his art to defined himself yes he probably would. So we need to use the full might of the law to defend this girl because what he robed her of can never be returned or replaced. its a dark time for karate and a darker time for the poar soul he disrespected
  17. Dont worry everyone in this world has been scared at one time or another. But its what we do with that fear that defines us. If you start quitting now out of fear then it will happen again and again. Imagine the filling you will have when you face it and accomplish your technique. Trust me the old saying you can do anything you put your mind to is the truth. Just believe in yourself and your instructor. Now i would say if you don't trust or believe in your instructor than don't do it. As you will not fill safe and it will most likey cause a mistake. In training you must always fill safe even in an unsafe situation. Also do not listine to the guys on here saying that have never been afraid of anything. The fact is we are all borne with fear we just have to man or women up and face it.
  18. we sure can. but explane how bag work teaches you 2 take a punch or simulate a real person. you can trough a million kick agenst a bag but what happens when that bag hits back and does not stand steal. what happens when your thinking about your next technique and your attacker is overloading your senses. mind in the martial arts in undoubtedly your best weapon. but when it comes down to a situation wear i have to defend my life i would rather react than think. thinking about technique does not help when you should be executing it. and yes i prefer that my body naturally responds to it than me telling it it has 2
  19. the facts first off pulling punches does program your muscles to pull back this is a proven fact. second your right that's y there are different martial arts and instructors for people to chose from you find what you like. Just because you don't like the term tippy tappy does not mean its not right. as for me i took a self defince i could care less if i looked pretty as long as at the end of the day i was still alive after i was attacked. as for your argument about tough guys umm that's y i said it works both ways. You can devlop your art as you see fit we all have this option as martial artist and we all travel the path that best suites us. As for people not liking to get busted up your once again our right that's y i pointed out that there were months and months were we only had a few studints. But it is what suited me. also in my art i was fortunate enough to study from one of the top grandmasters in my style.I consider my self very privileged and honerd to be traind by him. As for modifying my techniques. well in my art that is disrespectful for thousands of years they worked they were designed for specific reason who am i to change there applications. You are right the mind does need to lead the body but what happens when the mind fells your body will take over to defend it self what then your muscles at that point are going to do what they have been programed to do. As for a real fight been in quit a few and i am sorry to tell you more than once my body kept pushing when my mind wanted to quit. you see that y we spared the way we did so when the mind fells the body took over just like i was told it wold.
  20. The thing is GKR IS the McDonalds of the karate would. you get what you pay for, JUNK food!!! any martial art weather it be karate tangsoodo or tkd any one whose focus is on fast promotion and gathering money is a McDonalds of martial art. Its sad but thay are out there. now with that bean said. dont think because a particular style does not do well in tourneys does not mean they don't produce good fighters. A tournament has no bearing on a martial arts effectiveness. I have seen many of artiest who do amazing in a tourney not be able to apply it in a situation were there is no rules or ref to save them. sometimes its hard to transition from comp to combat. This goes bouth ways of coarse. Now i am a firm be leaver of hard sparring from day one. I am not talking about killing the guy with a punch or trying to knock him out with every punch. I am talking about continuous contact sparring. I beleave if from day one in sparring if you get hit hard enough to wear it hurts somewhat you learn what it means to get hit and the potential damage it can cause. At least for me my first sparring session i left with a busted up mouth and nose. Needless to I learned real quick hot to apply what i had been taught to protect my self. The one down fall to this is as bushido man said. there were months and months were we would only have 5 students in our class. But thoughs five are some of the best martial artiest i have ever seen. its give and take yes bean very rough can scare people off. But it also can breed some amazing artist. i was fortunate enough to study under a man who truly beleaved in tradition. He refused to change the way he was taught no matter what. it was always about the art not the money or fame or size of the class.
  21. i greatly appreciate all the input i do be leave i have found a studio i will be trying.As for kyokushin i don't mean to be rude because i am not intirly familiar with the art i base my opinion on it from what i have seen of it and that is very little so when i say they dont hit in the face its because the schools near me don't they say you get dq in tourneys for it. So i found a guy who studyd shorin ryu for 21 years i will be working with him and hopefully all goes well if not i think i will be trying mid mo judo club i truly do think all of you for your help. Hopefully i will find what i am looking for i defiantly don't want to step backwards in my training
  22. you very much misunderstand me. Of coars there are rules i am simply stating i do not want my sparring sessions governed by sport karate and tournament tactics. I dont believe that a sport and a self defince should merge with one you are taking from the other. I am not looking for lets beat the crap out of each other with no rules. Just something that puts no priority on a comp. But puts total priority in the art. And defintly not tkd very beautiful art just dont fill like we would mix well. Now sensei8 I heard about the shorin ryu school but i heard it is closed down. Also i cant find anything on the kenpo school in the phone book or on line. If you have a number or Addy for it i would appreciate it
  23. we were always taught if we were going into another studio to train we were not to wear our uniform or belts. we were to start off with a white belt if we were to cross train in that style. And if we were just visiting to try it out we wore work out pants and a t shirt. Now for our studio well we perferd you come in with no rank on if not trained in our style until the grandmaster evaluated you. also if you were trained in our style you would also have to be re evaluated before you received rank.
  24. well googel is not much help all i can find is tkd. Also kyoshukan is not and option they don't hit to the face just kick i am looking for something that is not bound by rules as far as were to strike and training around comp rules i truly love karate but most Japanese styles are governd by or dictated in training by comp rules not all i am not claming all karate is sport orintated just telling you all what i am looking for
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