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Everything posted by Willard814

  1. Ahem, can we not generalise please! There are lots of very level headed and mature Brown belts, even 10-3rd Kyus, particularly on this forum. I'm a Brown belt! Are you in the ISKF? Of course I'm only referring to the brown belts whom I have ran across, it would be illogical to think I meant every brown belt in the martial arts world! But I get your point... I see that you are across the pond, I've seen some of the kumite match there those guys are pretty tough. They allow take downs and throws too... looks fun though!
  2. What is it with Brown belts? Why are they so aggressive and uncontrolled? At ISKF Master Camp 2012 I heard a brown belt say he wants to stay a brown belt so that they could beat people up! The kicker is these brown belts aren't that good!
  3. That's cool! I'm moving to Philly this year and will be training at Okazaki Sensei's dojo for a few years. I'm really excited, but it's gonna be interesting going back and forth between JKA and ISKF. Last time I saw Okazaki sensei back a few years ago they were one in the same. I'm glad you enjoyed his camp. Maybe next year I'll go and see you too! Are you going to fall camp this Sept. 14-16th?
  4. I have been training in Shotokan Karate for almost two years now and over the last six months I have noticed a BO kind of smelly odor coming from my crotch area. No matter how many times I shower the smell always comes back. I don't have any itching what so ever or any rashes or skin irritation. Does anyone know what is happening? I even trimmed my pubic hair down to a minimal level (not bald) to help combat the problem but nothing seems to help.
  5. My mother-in-law bought me a Mugen yellow label gi this past Christmas and she had Ki International embroider my name on the gi jacket lapel and pants in Kanji. Do you have to be a certain rank to have embroidery on your gi? I study Shotokan Karate under ISKF (International Shotokan Karate Federation) I am currently an orange belt and I will be testing today (04/16/2012) for my green belt. Since my test will be administered at another dojo I didn't want to wear the gi in question and offend the dojo and sensel of said dojo.
  6. Thanks for your comment Kevin did this happen to a Juka gi that you owned? If so they claimed that something like this has never happened and they seemed quite upset. Maybe they don't want their gi in the dryer because they know they aren't 100% cotton. I like their gi especially the fit I would have still bought the gi if the advertised a cotton/poly blend. That way I could have taken the proper precautions during washing ans care. I buys my gi a little bit bigger so I can shrink it to fit perfectly, which in this case seem to work for the first month or so of use. I contacted Juka and sent pictures I am waiting for them to complete their investigation. I did buy it directly from Juka International.
  7. Check out the picture I just added to my post. No such thing happened here, the washer is fairly new and there is no damage to the washer. I suspect this fabric is a cotton/poly blend and not 100% cotton as advertised!
  8. I pulled my Juka Emerald gi out of the washing machine to discover that a corner of the jacket had literally melted. I didn't know 100% cotton could melt at cold water temperatures and I'm guessing this material is a cotton/poly blend which would explain why it melted. has anyone ever had this happen to their gi? http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i122/willard1/321069_10150323910738481_515163480_7999602_900696213_n.jpg
  9. We wait another testing cycle. Also, if a student fails a testing, they are not required to pay the testing fees for the next testing. So its not just a money scam off gradings.Good for you! OSO I think it's a shame to have folks test who have no chance of passing and then take their money on top of all that disappointment... can that be considered a ponzi scheme?!?!? lol
  10. I like my gi heavy... the heavier the better! If the gi slows down my technique then I have bigger problems and the gi isn't one of them. OSO!!!
  11. I plan on trying the Tôkon Okinawa Karate Uniform, Ronin Shiai Deluxe Japan Cloth (Blk/gold Label) 14oz. and the Tokaido YAKUDO Heavyweight Kata Uniform. There are other but those are my first choice.
  12. Club: Nittany Shotokan Karate do City: State College & Bellefonte, PA Sensei: Kim Baran Nidan
  13. I signed up to compete at the East Coast ISKF 24th Annual Fall Camp and Goodwill Tournament, September 16th, 17th, & 18th, 2011. I am a yellow belt and I have just learned to remember Heian Nidan, I consider myself to be pretty good with the skill I have learned so far. My question is how does one win a match of Ippon Kumite?
  14. I decided to go with the Juka Emerald size 6 paid $75.52 including shipping purchased from Dragon International direct thru my karate club and I could be happier. The Juka gi has a much better fit and much more heavier weight than the Ronin med weight gi. I like the absorbent qualities of the Juka Emerald gi as well, because this gi a much bigger cut with roomier pants I thought it would hide my technique and forms but that's not the case at all. I'm 6' 0" and 195lbs so for me the tournament cut is the way to go. Thanks for all your feedback
  15. My knee pops and moves in and out of it's socket so I was wondering if someone can recommend a good knee brace? I'm due for arthroscopic knee surgery next year so until then I wanted to buy a decent knee brace for Shotokan training and working out. I was considering Mueller Hg80 Hinged knees brace: http://www.muellersportsmed.com/Hg80_Knee_Hinged.htm
  16. I grew up in Newark, NJ so I've ran into my fair share of jerks. I prefer to avoid them completely.
  17. I thought the instructor was suppose to determine if the student is ready to test? Sounds like a scam on testing fees if the instructor lets the student test even though the student isn't ready.
  18. It's becoming progressively more and more intimidating and I think it's based on my skill. I'm testing Aug. 13th for my yellow belt and I'm pretty sure after that she won't be as easy on me. lol
  19. I have a wonderful and skillful instructor who happens to be a woman. At first I thought how could a woman teach an art that was developed by man for men at a time when women weren't even allowed to speak out of turn. We all know in Asian culture men don't give women the respect they deserve and traditionally they are almost second class citizens in some countries. But after training with my instructor I'm glad she is a female there is no testosterone driven I'm better than you contests in the dojo, we get our instruction in a nurturing motherly sort of way which makes for a great learning environment. I also don't feel nervous or intimidated during kumite and sparring instruction. So tell me what you think about women in the world of martial arts in the 21st century.
  20. Has anyone ever heard of or used a JUKA brand karate gi? I'm looking into a second gi and everyone in my dojo wears JUKA® brand, I have a Ronin brand gi that I'm happy with but it's time for me to advance to a little better and heavier gi. I have been looking at the Ronin Brand Tournament Japanese cut made of 14oz. No.10 Duck canvas from JAPAN the blue stuff and the Ronin Brand 12oz Heavyweight Karate gi. So I'm wondering which brand is better for the money?
  21. Thanks for your input JohnASE! I am going to get the 12 oz. gi that is worn in our dojo. The brand name is JUKA Uniforms and the style is either Silver or Emerald, but I can't seem to make up my mind between the two. Everyone in the dojo wears the Emerald which is tournament cut, but I like the traditional cut. I have a Ronin Medium weight 9oz. traditional cut and I love it! The tournament cut seems to be short at the leg and arm length. Here is a link to the website tell me what you think. http://www.juka.com/uniform/juka.htm
  22. I am most confident I can! How am I to achieve Shodan if I can't visualize it?!?
  23. I'm thinking of buying a new uniform for my yellow belt test for Shotokan Karate-Do. Is this a good idea and what brand should I get? I am very serious about training and I am definitely looking to acquire Shodan.
  24. I have a Ronin brand traditional karate pant with one loop in the middle on the front of the pants. I'm not quite sure I am tying it correctly because it becomes lose during training. Can someone please instruct me on how to tie my pants the right way?
  25. I have a pair of Addidas shoes like that, but my Sensei won't let me train in them unless I have a medical excuse. Which won't be far off from now if my feet keep blistering up.
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