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  • Martial Art(s)
    ju-jitsu and aikido

localman's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I have 2 questions: (1) Does anyone know whether there are formal instructor qualifications in BJJ. (2) Is someone with a BJJ purple belt qualified to teach BJJ?
  2. When sprarring in a club setting, do you wear gum shields? If so, is this always or just sometimes, if so, when? Also, (again in club) does sparring take place on mats (again, if sometimes, when)? many thanks
  3. Does anyone know of any literature (ideally scientific or academic) which discusses things like retention of knowledge following technique demonstration? In paricular, I am looking for evidence-based argument that supports, for example, the more often a technique is demonstrated the better the retention or even that just one demonstration is adequate. The purpose of my interest is self defence instruction for police and prison officers where training is only provided once a year. Thank you.
  4. When is the omoplata taught? Is it a beginner technique or more advanced? If advanced, at what level is it taught?
  5. Does anyone have any experience in male diastasis? Specficially, a bulge running up from the belly button but only when exerting pressure on the stomach muscles (such as when doing sit-ups)? Otherwise the bulge is not present. Also present is an umbilical hernia. Is diastasis another way of explaining hernia? Does this need surgery? This problem relates to one of my students (male, 50yrs old, repeated epdisodes of massive weight gain then weight loss).
  6. One of my students demonstrated a technique last weekend which he referred to as "omoplata". He said he learned in in another judo club whilst training in Canada. Does anyone have any experience with this technique? Especially, does it have a corresponding judo name, which MAs use it, and is it safe?
  7. Can anyone please confirm whether all karate competitions (kumite) are routinely conducted on mats? If so, when was this introduced and it there an article I can access discussing this? Many thanks.
  8. Can someone please explain the "time on target" principle in punching.
  9. Thank you both for such a quick reply. With kicking pad work, is your response (that no footwear is worn) the same everywhere or might some TKD schools wear footwear for this? Also, if someone did wear footwear when practising kicks against a pad (held by a partner) would this be dangerous? Many thanks again.
  10. Can a taekwondo practitioner please let me know whether you wear anything on the feet during training, in particular when practising kicks against a pad? If so, what sort of footwear? Thank you.
  11. Thanks to everyone who posted a reply. They've been really helpful. I wonder whether I could pose the question slightly differently. Please note that this is not something that has happened, but something that interests me both as a martial artist and safety adviser. Two Muay Thai fighters are training on an unmatted wooden floor with no head gear. One fighter is off balance and his opponent takes advantage of this by doing a roundhouse kick to his head which knocks him to the floor. His head hits the wooden floor with some force causing a significant injury. In Muay Thai, is this just the risk that one must accept or, given the incident provided, was something wrong, and if so, what? Again, I would appreciate your views. Thanks
  12. Many thanks for the reply. If training on a hard surface and without head guard, is it appropriate for your opponent to do a roundhouse kick to the head knowing that you are off balance. I ask this because there must be a higher risk of falling (onto the hard floor) when kicked to the head wehn off-balance. Is there a rule or guidance that warns against this? Again, many thanks for help.
  13. I am doing some research on Muay Thai. Can anyone help me with the following questions: 1. Is training always conducted on mats? If not always, when? 2. Do participants during training (rather than competition) wear protective gear such as gloves and helmets? 3. What level of contact should there be with punches and kicks? 4. In a sparing training session done on a wooden floor where no protective kit is worn, if one fighter attacks with a roundhouse kick when his opponent is off balance and as a result his opponent is knocked to the floor, what is preventing him from sustaining head injury (say hitting his head on the unprotected floor)? What is there to prevent this kind of thing from happening? Many thanks
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