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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Kendo Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Jeet Kune Do, BJJ, Muay Thai Kickboxing
  • Location
    Franklin Square. NY
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Taiikuka's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Yeah it is really a shame what has happened to martial arts over the past 20 years. I guess that's the way in this country. They look at Karate as great for TV but not for fighting. Also a lot of people tried to capitalize on the popularity of Karate due to movies and put Karate on the front of all the store fronts. Some were some were not like I know of 3 TKD places and they say Karate so does a JKD place by me. Also Tiger Showmans however he spells it went from TKD to Karate to MMA in my life time. At no point did those schools teach anything that was a true art and it has really hurt Karate as a whole in this area.
  2. Another problem you have is many "fans" of MMA hate traditional arts now and only believe MMA is the right way to fight. I think both sides of this argument needs to chill out a lot.
  3. They may not own the rights to "Kung Fu" but the rights to "Kung Fu Kid" as it may in fact be a movie they plan to make or they just don't want something selling off their movie. Because they can't possibly own "Kung Fu" by law or pure rationalization tells you to many things on TV and movie have already had Kung Fu in or as the title.
  4. I hope your right but i think those days are gone and we will see more and more MMA style until there is no other arts involved.
  5. It will come to a time where you stop letting yourself get hit in the head. Remember even if it doesn't "hurt" you to bad it is still doing damage to your brain so try and not let it keep happening needlessly.
  6. I think we are saying the same thing in many ways just saying them a little different. My point is MMA is a style all its own now because it is so new no one wants to admit it but it is pretty much a way of training and a set of moves. Yeah people have their own "base" style but really most of that does get thrown out when you get really involved with high end MMA like the UFC. Like Karate was adapted off of Kung Fu for the people of Japan so to is MMA for fighters today.
  7. The fact is under the current rules being on the mat is the best way to win because you get a ton of points by take-downs. In the old days (I know Gracie won the 1st 3 but that was because he was so good not his style was superior) you fought to a win no rounds no points it lended itself to having multiple arts fight its just not as true anymore.
  8. Welcome to the board I am a new member as well. Good to see this board is active and getting new members
  9. No that isn't what I ment. I mean if your club is affiliated with one governing body and another club is part of a different one like say mine is S.K.I.F and yours was the JKA would we still do the same Katas because in tae kwon do you don't each governing body has its own forums and that was a bit annoying.
  10. My Jeet Kune Do response would be simple and yet the response for just about any move you can think up. If a Right punch of any kind is thrown you throw a straight punch off the left hand. The idea here is yours come out just in front of the other cutting it off and landing a blow to the head first. In Jeet Kune do you do not block. I thought this was a little odd when i first started training but Bruce Lee felt it was a waste of energy to block when you can have the same effect with a punch of your own. Even if you opponent was able to keep from getting hit by blocking or moving his head you now have both his hands tied up in a move while you can go for a second attack w3ith the other hand. As far as kicks it is pretty much the same a Front kick or if in close enough a jab will do since your front side is your strong side in JKD when landing the blow it is a very hard and effective hit.
  11. I had the same problem as you did never did find a good drill to fix that problem. What did finally fix that problem was someone cleaned my clock once with a hit to the chin. I hope you can fix that problem the easy way.
  12. I would be careful about how you go about doing that as well. Some people may take your offering of the bruises info as a way of covering for someone. Just let everyone know that you take Karate as the convo goes on talk about how you say TV shows and never thought it would be this physically demanding. They should be able to put one and one together on their own.
  13. To answer that they are improving faster then you ever did. Training has been influenced so much more by science now. Also there is more stuff in our food to help you grown stronger if you work out and not just sit on the couch. Another big thing is the way in which we workout outside the gym now a days is so much different in the last 20 years. It's like when people argue baseball players. Today players are just flat out better athletes because of their gym time and supplements Mickey Mantle was great and maybe he would have benefited from the work out programs of today but he just wasn't as strong or fast or able to bounce back from injury like guys today can.
  14. Kettle Worx put out a DVD set for a 6 week program to burn fat and build muscle. I use it and it is great. An awesome workout to be honest. I started with a lighter weight to get used to using it but i have to tell you it is a true full body workout and has really helped me.
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